Immediately after my arrival, October 18th 1999, at the Dental Laboratory of Sogakope, I effected a control and in the following days did an inventory of all the machinery, tools and materials. This inventory has been transferred in a computer for better treatment of its data. The inventoried materials have been put in the store that is inside the laboratory in order to avoid confusion and for prepare a functional file that will makes possible the preparation of consumption statistics with the relative workmanship effect. In order to organize the available space in a best way, the store has been equipped with a set of shelves where materials and tools are put.

All the benches of the principal room were connected to the electric, gas and air compressed systems. Each working place has been equipped with motor, whip, speed regulator, hand piece and Bunsen. The two benches that didn't have the illumination have been provided with neon lamps which make each job area suitable for the work. The two extractors lodged inside the benches have been tested so that four places have the possibility to operate in the full respect of the technician's health.

In the casting room the two sand blasters have been repaired; one will be used for the cleaning of the fixed prosthesis while the other for the frameworks. The casting machine TS1 Degussa -whose transformer has been fixed to the wall- and the new SAED has been tested with sample jobs. The aspirant cloak has been furnished with an independent switch. Inside the cloak the incorporated gas stove has been removed to make room for the second oven and has been prepared a third socket that will be used by the electric stove necessary for boiling cleaning acids. On a piece of furniture have been disposed some bricks as refractory material in order to perform welding and support white-hot rigs and melting pots.

A decision has been made to set up the estimated dressing room in the plaster room. This room presents some structures that have been used immediately like: the sink with the attack/unloaded of the water for trimming and steam machine and the long bench that will be used as plaster bench. This room is furnished with vacuum mixer, trimming machine, steam machine, press and all the equipment for model preparation. The trimming machine, the sink and the plaster bench areas have been entirely covered with tails to facilitate the cleaning. In this room under the sink will come a simple system for the interception of plaster residues products in order to avoid sink stoppage.

In agreement with the Principal has been decided that a new bench be prepared with two working places; these are positioned in contact with the small wall that separates the principal room. These new places will be use for frameworks realization; one for the planning with the surveyor and for the wax modelling, the other for the finishing of the metal with a lathe/rapid. This lathe/rapid has been connected -to avoid harmful dusts- to an able extractor put outside the structure. The connection toward the outside has been effected with plastic pipes in way to easily join other machinery or working places in the future.
For operators comfort and structure safety, outside the laboratory have been built two covered but ventilated rooms where the compressor and gas cylinders have been lodged. To make their use easy, the aspirator and the compressor are controlled by switches that are located inside the laboratory.

As ordinary maintenance jobs have been sheltered the present cracks and paint all the walls.