Maps of the birds of the Western Palearctic Region
showing areas
Ardeola grayii
Lakes, marshes, rivers, flooded fields, swamps, tidal mudflats, mangroves.  From Kuwait and s Iran along Persian Gulf e through Pakistan and India to 1500 m, Sri Lanka, Burma and Laccadive Is, s to Maldive, Andaman and Nicobar islands.
Ardeola bacchus
Ponds, marshes, flooded fields.  Lowlands from e India, Bangladesh, Assam, Manipur and s,e China to e Inner Mongolia and Hainan I., s to Andaman Is., Burma and Indochina.  Extent of breeding in se Asia uncertain.
Bubulcus ibis
Wet fields, marshes, swamps, pastures, grassland, often associated with large grazing mammals.
B. i. ibis  From Cape Verde Is. (formerly?), Iberian Peninsula, s France, n Morocco, n Algeria, Egypt, e through Turkey and Near East to Caspian Sea area and se Iraq.  Occurs in all African countries and breeds in most (perhaps all) from Senegambia e through s Mali, s Niger, Cameroon, São Tomé, s Chad and c,s Sudan to Ethiopia and s Somalia and s to S. Africa; Madagascar; most islands in Indian Ocean s to Mascarene Is.  From nw,c California, s Idaho, s Saskatchewan, Minnesota, s Ontario and New England s through U.S., Middle America, W. Indies and S. America to nw Chile and n Argentina; Galapagos Is.  Introduced in the Hawaiian Is. and has colonized many parts of the world in recent years, including a trans-Atlantic movement from sw Europe to ne South America and from there throughout most of South and North America, as above.
B. i. coromanda  From Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka e to China, Japan and Ryukyu Is., Bonin Is. and s through se Asia, E. Indies, Philippines and New Guinea to islands in the Indian Ocean.  Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia (vagrant only) and Caroline Is.
Egretta caerulea
Marshes, ponds, lakes, meadows, streams, mangroves.  Lowlands to 2600 m from s Calif. (rarely), Baja Calif., Sonora, se New Mexico, e Colorado, ne Texas, c Oklahoma, c Kansas, s N. Dakota, n Illinois, nw Ohio and New England s through s,c,e U.S., Middle America on both slopes, and W. Indies to Panama, and from Colombia, Venezuela, Netherlands Antilles e to Trinidad and Tobago and Guianas s, w of the Andes to c Peru and e of the Andes to Brazil and Uruguay.
Egretta tricolor
Marshes, ponds, rivers, mangroves.  Lowlands to 1000 m from c Baja Calif., s Sonora, nc,ne Texas, Gulf coast and Atlantic coast n to s Maine, s along both coasts to Panama and coastal areas from Colombia, Venezuela, Netherlands Antilles e to Trinidad and Tobago, and Guianas s to s Peru and ne Brazil; casually in interior from N. Dakota s to se New Mexico and c Kansas; Bahamas, Greater Antilles e to Virgin Is., islands of Providencia and San Andrés in the w Caribbean Sea.
Ardeola grayii
Indian Pond Heron
formerly has bred Kwait
no map
Ardeola bacchus
Chinese Pond Heron
w Europe
no map
Bubulcus ibis
Cattle Egret
locally common
has bred w.France, Sardinia
Egretta caerulea
Little Blue Heron
no map
Egretta tricolor
Tricoloured Heron
no map
Index Families
Ardeidae 26
  2001 by Alberto Masi