Ardeidae |
Botaurus stellaris
Reedbeds, marshes, lagoons, sluggish streams. B. s. stellaris From s British Isles and s Scandinavia e across nw,c Russia and c Siberia to Yakutia, Amurland, Ussuriland, Sakhalin and Japan on Hokkaido; from n Morocco e to Tunisia, Turkey, s Russia, n Iran, Afghanistan, w China, Mongolia and Manchuria s to Hopeh. B. s. capensis C Angola, n Zambia, s Tanzania, Malawi, c Mozambique, nw Botswana, ne Namibia and e,s S. Africa. Vagrant in other African countries. |
Botaurus lentiginosus
Marshes, reedbeds. From se Alaska, c British Columbia, s Mackenzie, n Manitoba, n Ontario, c Quebec and Newfoundland s to s Calif., c Arizona (formerly), s New Mexico, n Texas, c Kansas, c Missouri, c,w Tennessee, w Kentucky, c Ohio, s Pennsylvania, ne West Virginia, e Maryland and e Virginia; Louisiana (formerly) and Florida; Mexico s to Puebla and México. |
Ixobrychus exilis
Tall vegetation in marshes, mangroves, wet savanna. Locally from s Oregon, interior and s coastal Calif., c Baja Calif. and s coastal Sonora s to Guerrero; from c Montana, s Manitoba, ne N. Dakota, nw Minnesota, c Wisconsin, n Michigan, s Ontario, s Quebec, Maine, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia s to Utah (formerly), sc New Mexico, w,s Texas, Gulf coast, Florida, Greater and Lesser Antilles on Guadeloupe and Marie Galante; from Guatemala and Belize to c Panama; locally in lowlands and mts. to 3100 m in Colombia, n Venezuela, Trinidad, Guianas, e Ecuador,e,se Brazil, n Bolivia, Paraguay, ne Argentina and coastal Peru from La Libertad to Lima. |
Ixobrychus minutus
Reedbeds, swamps. From sc British Isles, Europe n to n Germany and Estonia, e across c Russia to se Russia n to upper Ob River and upper Irtysh River, s to Kazakhstan and Turkestan and w China in Sinkiang, and s to nw Africa from n Morocco to n Tunisia, n Mediterranean region incl. Balearic Is., Corsica, Sicily, nw,ne Egypt, Near and Middle East, Arabia, Pakistan in Sind and n India from Kashmir to n Assam and w China in w Sinkiang. Locally in Mauritania, Senegambia, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo, Príncipe, Chad, Centr. Afr. Rep., cw Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia and from Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and Kenya s through Tanzania, se Zaire, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Botswana s to e,s S. Africa in Transvaal, Orange Free State, Natal and s Cape Province, w to Angola and Namibia; Madagascar. |
Ixobrychus eurhythmus
Swamps, marshes, reedbeds, flooded fields. E China, Hainan I., se Siberia to Sakhalin, Korea, Japan, and Ryukyu and Bonin islands. |
Ardeidae | 26
species |
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