Maps of the birds of the Western Palearctic Region
showing areas
Anser fabalis
Taiga (fabalis) and tundra (serrirostris). 
Lakes, ponds, bogs, sluggish rivers, swamps, wet meadows.

A. f. fabalis. From Scandinavia e through nw,c Russia and c,se Siberia (s of tundra) to Anadyrland and Kamchatka and s to Altai, Transbaicalia, Mongolia and Amurland.
A. f. serrirostris.  From n Russia, incl. Novaya Zemlya, e through n Siberia to Chukotski Pen. 
Rare migrant in the Aleutian Is.; vagrant recorded in Nebraska.

Anser brachyrhynchus
Tundra lakes, ponds, sluggish rivers, swamps, wet meadows. 
E Greenland, Iceland, Spitsbergen, probably Franz Josef Land, and extreme nw Russia on the Kola Peninsula. 
Vagrant e Canada, possibly ne U.S. 
Some vagrants may be escapes from captivity. 
Introduced  in Great Britain, but not certainly established.
Anser albifrons
Tundra lakes, ponds, wet meadows; in migration marshes, flooded fields and brackish coastal areas.

A. a. albifrons  N Russia and n Siberia e to Chukotski Pen. and Anadyrland, Novaya Zemlya, Kolguyev and Vaygach islands; from n,w,sc Alaska s to Bristol Bay and e across n Yukon, n Mackenzie and s Victoria I. to n Keewatin; w Greenland.
Anser a. elgasi  (= gambeli)  Tule Goose. 
Differs from typical albifrons and may be a separate species. 
Breeds in the Cook Inlet area of s Alaska and winters in the Sacramento Valley of California.

Anser fabalis
Bean Goose
not uncommon
Anser brachyrhynchus
Pink-footted Goose
Introduced  in Great Britain
Anser albifrons
Greater White-fronted Goose
fairly common
Anser erythropus
Open tundra, taiga, lakes, ponds, alpine habitats. 
From n Scandinavia e across n Russia and n Siberia to Anadyrland. 
A specimen was taken on Attu I. in the Aleutians in May, 1994
Anser anser
Reedbeds, marshy swamps, estuaries, lakes. 
From Iceland, Outer Hebrides, British Isles, Netherlands and Scandinavia e across c Russia incl. Ural Mts. and lower Volga River, and s Siberia n to L. Baikal and Amurland to n China; s locally or formerly to the Balkans, w Turkey, extreme nw Iran, Transcaucasus, Uzbekistan, Turkestan, Altai, se Iraq and Afghanistan. 
The domesticated goose was derived from the Graylag Goose.
Anser indicus
Marshes, lake shores, highland moors. 
Mts. to 4600 m from the Pamir Mts., Kirghiz steppes, Altai Mts. and extreme sw Siberia (Tuva), Mongolia and n China s to ne Afghanistan, n India and w Tibet. 
Records from Europe are probably escapes from captivity. 
Introduced in Great Britain, but not certainly established. 
Anser erythropus
Lesser White-fronted Goose
localized, rare
Anser anser
Greylag Goose
has bred France, Algeria
The domesticated goose was derived from the Graylag Goose
Anser indicus
Bar-headed Goose
Hungary, European Russia
(escapes from captivity ?)-
Introduced in Great Britain
no map
Index Families
Anatidae 66
 2001 by Alberto Masi