Superfamily SYLVIOIDEA
Subfamily SITTINAE

Sitta europaea  WOOD NUTHATCH.  Forest, woods, towns.

S. e. caesia. From British Isles and cont. e to extreme w Russia and s to Morocco, n Mediterranean region, Turkey, Near East, n Iraq, w,n Iran and the Caucasua and Transcaucasus.
 S. e. europaea.  From s Scandinavia e across c Russia and c,s Siberia from Altai e to Anadyrland, Kamchatka and Sakhalin, s to nw China, n Mongolia, Manchuria, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Kuril Is.
 S. e. sinensis. Sc,e China from Kansu e to Hopeh and Manchuria and s to e Szechwan, s Yunnan and Fukien.

Sitta nagaensis  CHESTNUT-VENTED NUTHATCH.  Forest, scrub.  Himalayas in ne India, se Tibet, sw,ec China, w,ne,e Burma, nw Thailand, c Vietnam.  Often included in europaea, but both occur in Fukien although ecologically separate.
Sitta cashmirensis  KASHMIR NUTHATCH.  Forest, scrub.  Himalayas, 1800-3300 m in e Afghanistan, n Pakistan and nw India in Kashmir.  Sometimes treated as a race of S. europea.
Sitta castanea  CHESTNUT-BELLIED NUTHATCH.  Forest, scrub.  Locally in hills and lowlands to 1800 m in India, Burma, sw China, nw,ne,sw Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, n,c Vietnam.  Sometimes treated as a race of S. europea, but not known to intergrade and may be locally sympatric.

Sitta himalayensis  WHITE-TAILED NUTHATCH.  Forest.  Himalayas, 1500-3400 m in n India, se Tibet, w,ne,e Burma, sw China, n Laos and n Vietnam in nw Tonkin.  Sometimes included in europaea, but sympatric with it in the e portion of the range.
Sitta victoriae  WHITE-BROWED NUTHATCH.  Forest.  Hills, 2300-2800 m of w Burma.  Apparently sympatric with himalayensis, but status uncertain.
Sitta pygmaea  PYGMY NUTHATCH.  Pine forest.  Mts. and coastal areas from s int. British Columbia, n Idaho, w Montana, c Wyoming and sw S. Dakota to n Baja Calif., s Nevada, c,se Arizona; in Mexican highlands to Michoacán, México, Morelos, Puebla and wc Veracruz, and to c New Mexico, extreme w Texas and extreme w Oklahoma.  Sometimes considered conspecific with pusilla.

Sitta pusilla  BROWN-HEADED NUTHATCH.  Pine forest, pine-oak woods, mixed scrub.  Se U.S. from se Oklahoma, c Arkansas, n portions of Gulf states, n Georgia, extreme e Tennessee, w N. Carolina, sc,e Virginia, s Maryland and s Delaware s to e Texas, Gulf coast, s Florida and Grand Bahama I.
Sitta whiteheadi  CORSICAN NUTHATCH.  Pines, firs.  Mts. 800-1800 m of Corsica.  Nest in Corsican Pine, Maritime Pine, Silver Fir.  Population ca. 2000 pairs.  This and the next four species are sometimes considered conspecific with canadensis, but all are vocally distinct.
Sitta ledanti  KABYLIE NUTHATCH.  Humid open forest of spruce, oak and cedar.  Mts. 1200-2000 m on ne Algeria.

Sitta krueperi  KRUEPER'S NUTHATCH.  Conifers, mainly pines, cedars and junipers.  From Turkey (exc. se), e to the Caucasus Mts.  Sometimes lumped with villosa or canadensis.
Sitta villosa  SNOWY-BROWED NUTHATCH.  Conifers, mainly pines.  W,ne China, ne to Manchuria and Korea.  Sometimes considered conspecific with canadensis.
Sitta yunnanensis  YUNNAN NUTHATCH.  Pine forest.  Himalayas above 2700 m of sw China in w Szechwan and w,n Yunnan.
Sitta canadensis  RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH.  Pine forest, other conifers.  From sc,se Alaska w to Kenai Pen. and Kodiak I., s Yukon, sw Mackenzie, nw Saskatchewan and c Manitoba e across c Canada to Labrador and Newfoundland, s to s Calif. incl. Santa Cruz I., Guadalupe I. off s Baja Calif.; c,se Arizona, s New Mexico, c Colorado, c Kansas, nc,e Minnesota, s Wisconsin, s Michigan, nc Ohio, s in Appalachians to e Tennessee and w N. Carolina, and to se Pennsylvania, s New Jersey and s New York, incl. Long I.

Sitta leucopsis  WHITE-CHEEKED NUTHATCH.  Conifers.  Himalayas, 2100-4300 m in e Afghanistan, n Pakistan, nw India, se Tibet and nw China.
Sitta carolinensis  WHITE-BREASTED NUTHATCH.  Deciduous woods, pinyon-juniper, towns.  From nw Washington, s int. British Columbia and c Alberta e across s Canada to Prince Edward I. and Nova Scotia, s to s Baja California (except deserts), s Calif., s Nevada, c,se Arizona; in Mexican highlands to c Oaxaca, Puebla and w Veracruz, and to w,ec Texas, Gulf Coast and c Florida; absent from most of Great Plains from sc Canada to n, wc Texas.
Sitta neumayer  WESTERN ROCK-NUTHATCH.  Cliffs, gorges, rocks, pines, desert edge.  Up to 2000 m in cw Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Near East, n Iraq, w,n Iran and the Transcaucasus.

Sitta tephronota  EASTERN ROCK-NUTHATCH.  Cliffs, gorges, pines, desert edge.  Ec,e Turkey, Caucasus, Transcaucasus and from Transcaspia e to s Turkestan, n Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan.
Sitta frontalis  VELVET-FRONTED NUTHATCH.  Forest, woods.  Up to 1800 m from India, Sri Lanka, Burma, sw China through se Asia (exc. area of S. solangiae) to Sumatra incl. Simalur, Bangka and Lingga Arch., Java, Borneo, incl. nearby islands; sw Philippines on Palawan, Balabac.
Sitta solangiae  YELLOW-BILLED NUTHATCH.  Forest.

S. s. solangiae.  Mts. of n,c Vietnam.
 S. s. chiengfengensis.  Hainan Island off se China.  This population is yellow-billed rather than red-billed and often considered conspecific with frontalis, but seems closer to solangiae.

Sitta oenochlamys  SULPHUR-BILLED NUTHATCH.  Forest, woods, edge.  Mts. below 2000 m of Luzon, Samar, Leyte, Panay, Guimares, Negros, Cebu, Mindanao and Basilan in the Philippine Is.  Often included in S. frontalis or S. solangiae.
Sitta azurea  BLUE NUTHATCH.  Forest.  Mts. 900-2400 in Malaya, Sumatra and Java.
Sitta magna  GIANT NUTHATCH.  Forest, edge.  Mts. above 1200 m in w China, c,e Burma, nw Thailand.
Sitta formosa  BEAUTIFUL NUTHATCH.  Forest.  Locally in the Himalayas, 900-2400 m in ne India w to Sikkim, Burma, n Laos and n Vietnam in nw Tonkin.

Tichodroma muraria  WALLCREEPER.  Cliffs, rocks, stone buildings.  Locally in mts., 2000-4900 m, from s,se Europe (Alps, Pyrenees, Carpathians, etc.) and ne Algeria e through Balkans, Greece, Turkey, Caucasus, Transcaucasus and Transcaspia e to Turkestan and e Kazakhstan, ne Iran and n Afghanistan (Pamir Mts.) to Himalayas of Pakistan, India, Tibet, w,c,ne China, sw Siberia in the Altai and possibly Mongolia.

 Certhia familiaris  EURASIAN TREE-CREEPER.  Forest, woods.  From British Isles and Scandinavia s locally to s Europe in the Pyrenees, s France, Italy and Balkans, n Turkey, n Iran, Near East, Crimea, Caucasus, Transcaucasus, e across nw,c Russia and s Siberia to Sea of Okhotsk and Sakhalin, to Korea and Japan; s through e Asia to e Turkestan, w,c,n China to Manchuria, n Pakistan, n India, se Tibet and ne Burma.
Certhia americana  AMERICAN TREE-CREEPER.  Forest, woods,pine-oak, towns.  From sw,c,se Alaska, c British Columbia and c Alberta e across s Canada to s Quebec, Anticosti I. and Newfoundland; s to s Calif., s Nevada, c,se Arizona to w Texas (Guadalupe Mts.), se Nebraska, s Iowa, se Missouri, s Illinois, c Michigan, s Ontario, e Ohio, W. Virginia, in Appalachians to e Tennessee, w N. Carolina, and lowlands from Virginia to nw Tennessee; s in mts. through Mexico to Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras to nc Nicaragua.

Certhia brachydactyla  SHORT-TOED TREE-CREEPER.  Woods, towns.  From s Denmark and n Poland, s to Spain and nw Africa from Morocco to Tunisia (incl. Sicily, Malta, Crete, Cyprus), e to w Russia at ca. long. 25°E., se to Greece, w,c Turkey and the Caucasus.
Certhia himalayana  BAR-TAILED TREE-CREEPER.  Conifers.  Himalayas, 1500-3700 m in e Turkestan, Afghanistan, n Pakistan, n India, Burma and w China.
Certhia nipalensis  RUSTY-FLANKED TREE-CREEPER.  Forest.  Himalayas, 1950-3650 m in ne India, ne Burma, se Tibet and possibly sw China.

Certhia discolor  BROWN-THROATED TREE-CREEPER.  Forest.  Mts. 1200-3650 m in ne India, Burma (?), sw China, nw Thailand, n Laos, and n,c Vietnam in nw Tonkin and s Annam.

Salpornis spilonotus  SPOTTED CREEPER.  Woods, savanna, brachystegia woods in Africa; dry deciduous and thorn forest in India.  Locally in subSaharan Africa in Senegambia, Guinea-Bissau, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria e through Cameroon and C. African Rep. to s Chad, extreme ne Zaire, extreme s Sudan and n Uganda; w,cs Ethiopia, w Kenya; from Angola, se Zaire and w,s Tanzania s to Zambia, c Zimbabwe, Malawi and c Mozambique.  India in the foothills of the Himalayas and plains from Rajasthan, s Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar s to n Gujarat, e Maharashtra and e Madhya Pradesh, possibly Orissa.

Donacobius atricapillus  BLACK-CAPPED DONACOBIUS. Marshes or grassy areas near water, wet brushy areas.  Lowlands to 750 m from e Panama, n,ne,se Colombia, Venezuela exc. extreme s, and Guianas s, e of the Andes through e Ecuador, e Peru and Amazonian, e,sc Brazil to n,e Bolivia, e Paraguay and ne Argentina in Formosa, Chaco, Misiones and Corrientes.

Campylorhynchus gularis  SPOTTED WREN.  Pine-oak woods, forest edge, dry brush.  Mts., 400-2450 m from nc Sonora, sw Chihuahua and sw Tamaulipas s to Michoacán, Querétaro and n Hidalgo.

Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus  CACTUS WREN.  Desert scrub, semi-arid scrub with cactus, mesquite, yucca.  From s Calif., s Nevada, sw Utah, c Arizona, c New Mexico and c,s Texas s to s Baja Calif., Sonora incl. Tiburón I., nw Sinaloa, in Mexican highlands to 1500 m to Michoacán, México and Hidalgo, and to sw,c,ne Tamaulipas.
Campylorhynchus jocosus  BOUCARD'S WREN.  Dry thickets, pine forest.  Mts., 300-2540 m from Guerrero, Morelos, Distrito Federal and s Puebla s to c Oaxaca.  Sometimes included in C. brunneicapillus, but it is vocally distinct.
Campylorhynchus yucatanicus  YUCATAN WREN.  Cactus scrub, brushy thickets.  Coastal lowlands of n Yucatán.  Sometimes included in brunneicapillus, but it is vocally distinct.

Campylorhynchus chiapensis  GIANT WREN.  Humid forest, edge, scrub.  Pacific lowlands of Chiapas.  Sometimes included in griseus.
Campylorhynchus griseus  BICOLORED WREN.  Arid brush, savanna, edge, towns.  Lowlands to 2100 m in n,c,e Colombia, Venezuela exc. s Amazonas and s Bolívar, w Guyana and nw Brazil in Roraima.
Campylorhynchus rufinucha  RUFOUS-NAPED WREN.  Dry forest, edge, woods, brush, thorn scrub.  Pacific lowlands and arid interior valleys to 2000 m from Colima s to extreme w Chiapas; int. valleys in c Vera Cruz and e Puebla; Pacific coast and arid int. valleys from Chiapas s to nw Costa Rica.
Campylorhynchus turdinus  THRUSH-LIKE WREN.  Riverine forest canopy, edge, brush.  Lowlands to 1200 m e of Andes from se Colombia s through e Ecuador and e Peru to n Bolivia, n Paraguay and Amazonian,e Brazil; e Bolivia and sw Brazil w to Mato Grosso.  Incl. unicolor.

Campylorhynchus megalopterus  GREY-BARRED WREN.  Coniferous forest.  Mts., 1500-3050 m, from s Jalisco e through Michoacán, México, Morelos and w Puebla to sw Veracruz and n Oaxaca.
Campylorhynchus zonatus  BAND-BACKED WREN.  Forest, woods, edge, pine-oak, farms, second growth.  Lowlands and mts. to 3050 m, from e San Luis Potosí, Veracruz, n Puebla, e Oaxaca, Tabasco, Chiapas and s Campeche s to ne Nicaragua, Costa Rica, w Panama; lowlands to 1600 m, in n,c Colombia and nw Ecuador.
Campylorhynchus albobrunneus  WHITE-HEADED WREN.  Forest edge, clearings.  Lowlands to 1500 m in c,e Panama and w Colombia.  C. albobrunneus is sometimes included in turdinus, but probably is more closely related to zonatus with which it hybridizes along the Colombian-Ecuador border, producing a variable population.

Campylorhynchus nuchalis  STRIPE-BACKED WREN.  Dry woods, usually riparian, edge, farms.  Lowlands to 800 m in n,ne Colombia and n,s Venezuela.
Campylorhynchus fasciatus  FASCIATED WREN.  Woods.  Lowlands to 2500 m (mostly below 1500 m) in sw Ecuador and n,c Peru.
 Odontorchilus:  S. America.  Arboreal, small, 12 cm.  Grayish above, white below, with black-barred tail; resemble gnatcatchers (
Polioptila) in posture, cocked tail.  O. branickii occurs in the Andes; cinereus in Amazonian Brazil.
Odontorchilus branickii  GREY-MANTLED WREN.  Humid forest.  Andes, 800-2300 m, in sw,sc Colombia, nw,e Ecuador, e Peru and cw Bolivia in La Paz.

Odontorchilus cinereus  TOOTH-BILLED WREN.  Humid forest.  Lowlands of Amazonian Brazil and ne Bolivia in ne Santa Cruz.
Salpinctes obsoletus  ROCK WREN.  Rocky slopes, cliffs, rock walls, usually with brush.  Lowlands to mts., mostly 750-3350 m, from sc British Columbia, s Alberta, s Saskatchewan, w N. Dakota and w S. Dakota s, e of coast ranges in Washington, Oregon and n Calif. to s Baja Calif., incl. most coastal islands and Guadalupe I., formerly on San Benedicto in the Revillagigedo Is.; e to w Nebraska, w Kansas, w Oklahoma, c,s Texas and sw Tamaulipas, and s in the highlands of Middle America to nw Costa Rica.

Catherpes mexicanus  CANYON WREN.  Open, arid, rocky hills, canyons, riparian in mts.  Lowlands to mts. from e Washington, s int. British Columbia, wc Idaho, Wyoming, se Montana and sw S. Dakota s, e of the Cascades and coast ranges in Oregon and n,c Calif., to s Baja Calif. incl. Ildefonso and Espírito Santo Is., s Arizona, Sonora, Isla Tiburón, Mexican highlands s to Oaxaca, c Chiapas and w Veracruz, e to w Oklahoma and ec Texas.

Hylorchilus sumichrasti  SLENDER-BILLED WREN.  Wooded limestone outcrops.  C Veracruz and extreme ne Oaxaca.
Hylorchilus navai  NAVA'S WREN.  Forested limestone outcrops.  Se Veracruz and adjacent Chiapas.

Cinnycerthia unirufa  RUFOUS WREN.  Humid forest undergrowth, edge, shrubbery.  Mts., 1800-3800 m from n Colombia, nw Venezuela and nw,e Ecuador to nw Peru.
Cinnycerthia peruana  SEPIA-BROWN WREN.  Humid forest undergrowth, edge, second growth, bamboo.  Locally in the Andes, 900-3300 m, from Colombia, s through e Ecuador and e Peru to wc Bolivia.

Cistothorus platensis  SEDGE WREN.  There is extensive geographic variation in plumage and vocalizations.  The following subspecies groups may each include more than one species.

C. p.  stellaris.  Wet meadows, marshes, grassland.  Locally from extreme ec Alberta, c Saskatchewan and s Manitoba e across extreme s Canada to s New Brunswick and c Maine, s to ec Arkansas, s Illinois, c Kentucky, wc W. Virginia and se Virginia, w to c N. Dakota, e S. Dakota, e Nebraska, ne Colorado and e Kansas; locally in lowlands and mts. in San Luis Potosí, Michoacán, Veracruz, Chiapas, c Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, ne Costa Rica and w Panama.
 C. p. platensis.  Tall grass, sedges, savanna, cerrado grassland.  Locally in lowlands and mts. to 4000 m, mostly above 900 m in the north; of S. America from Colombia, Venezuela and Guyana s through Andes of Ecuador to Peru and c,se Bolivia; lowlands in n Bolivia, Chile n to Coquimbo, se Brazil and Argentina from Jujuy, Córdoba and Corrientes s to Tierra del Fuego; Falkland Islands.

Cistothorus apolinari  APOLINAR'S WREN.  Marshy meadows.  Known only from e Andes, 2500-4000 m, of Colombia in Boyacá and Cundinamarca.
Cistothorus meridae  MERIDA WREN.  Moist, boggy areas.  Paramo, 3000-4100 m, of  Andes in nw Venezuela in Trujilla and Mérida.  Occurs at elevations usually above the range of platensis.
Cistothorus palustris  MARSH WREN.  Fresh and tidal marshes in cattails, rushes, sedges, tall grass.

The two groups are distinct vocally and overlap in Canada; they may be separate species.
 C. p. paludicola.  From sw,ec British Columbia, n Alberta, c Saskatchewan and nc Manitoba s locally to s Calif., ne Baja Calif., nw Sonora, sw Arizona, s Nevada, sc Utah, extreme nw New Mexico and extreme w Texas, e to e Nebraska and e Kansas; c Mexico in the Río Lerma marshes in the state of México near Mexico City.
 C. p. palustris.  From s Manitoba, n Minnesota, n Wisconsin, n Michigan, s Ontario, s Quebec, e New Brunswick and s Maine, s locally to s Texas, Gulf coast and c Florida.

Thryomanes bewickii  BEWICK'S WREN.  Chaparral, brush, thickets.  From sw British Columbia, w,c Washington, w,s Oregon, n Calif., wc,s Nevada, s Utah, s Wyoming, c Colorado, Kansas, e Nebraska, s Iowa, se Minnesota, s Wisconsin, s Michigan, s Ontario, n Ohio, c Pennsylvania and se New York, s to s Baja Calif. incl. some coastal islands (formerly Guadalupe and San Clemente is.), n Sonora; Mexican highlands to c Oaxaca, w Puebla and wc Veracruz, and to s Tamaulipas, c Texas, n Arkansas, n portions of Gulf states (exc. Louisiana), c Georgia and c S. Carolina.  Disappearing from the e U.S. part of the range.

Thryomanes sissonii  SOCORRO WREN.  Brush, thickets.  Socorro I. in the Revillagigedo Islands.
Ferminia cerverai  ZAPATA WREN.  Dense vegetation.  Occurs only in the Zapata Swamp, sw Cuba.

Thryothorus atrogularis  BLACK-THROATED WREN.  Forest undergrowth, dense second growth.  Caribbean lowlands in Nicaragua, Costa Rica and w Panama in w Bocas del Toro.
Thryothorus spadix  SOOTY-HEADED WREN.  Humid forest undergrowth.  Pacific foothills, 400-1800 m, in e Panama and w,c Colombia.  Sometimes included in atrogularis.
Thryothorus fasciatoventris  BLACK-BELLIED WREN.  Dense forest edge, thickets.  Lowlands to 1000 m in sw Costa Rica, Panama and w,n Colombia.
Thryothorus euophrys  PLAIN-TAILED WREN.  Forest.  Andes, 2000-3300 m, in sw Colombia, w,e Ecuador and n Peru.  Incl. atriceps.

Thryothorus eisenmanni  INCA WREN.  Forest.  Andes, 1800-3350 m of ec Peru in Cuzco.  Sometimes included in T. euophrys.
Thryothorus mystacalis  WHISKERED WREN.  Forest edge, second growth, scrub.  Mts., 800-2400 m, locally in lowlands, from Colombia, nc,w Venezuela and w Ecuador locally to sea level.  Often included in genibarbis, but differs in morphology, voice and ecology.
Thryothorus genibarbis  MOUSTACHED WREN.  Forest edge, second growth, scrub.  Lowlands to 1500 m in se Peru, n,e Bolivia and Amazonian,e Brazil s to Mato Grosso and Rio de Janeiro.
Thryothorus coraya  CORAYA WREN.  Savanna, humid forest undergrowth, second growth.  Lowlands and mts. to 2450 m, mostly above 1000 m, from e Colombia, s Venezuela and French Guiana s through e Ecuador to e Peru and n,Amazonian Brazil.

Thryothorus felix  HAPPY WREN.  Brush, thickets, scrub, forest undergrowth.  Lowlands to 1200 m from s Sonora, Sinaloa and w Durango s (incl. Tres Marías Is.) to México, Morelos, w Puebla and c Oaxaca.
Thryothorus maculipectus  SPOT-BREASTED WREN.  Brush, thickets, edge.  Lowlands to 1300 m from e Nuevo León, e San Luis Potosí and c Tamaulipas s on Gulf-Caribbean slope of Mexico, incl. Yucatán Pen. and I. Cancun, to ne Costa Rica; Pacific slope in Chiapas, Guatemala and El Salvador.  Has been lumped with T. rutilus, but they do not intergrade where sympatric in w Costa Rica.
Thryothorus rutilus  RUFOUS-BREASTED WREN.  Undergrowth, thickets, forest edge.  Lowlands to 1900 m of Pacific coast in sw Costa Rica and Panama; Caribbean slope in Canal Zone; ne,e Colombia, w,n Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago.  May include maculipectus and  sclateri, but relationships among these taxa are unclear; here treated as allospecies.

Thryothorus sclateri  SPECKLE-BREASTED WREN.  Undergrowth in forest, woods, edge, thickets.  Locally in Andean foothills, 1300-2000 m in sc Colombia, sw Ecuador and nw Peru.  May be conspecific with rutilus, but morphologically similar to maculipectus, and may be sympatric with rutilus in c Colombia.
Thryothorus semibadius  RIVERSIDE WREN.  Forest undergrowth, edge, thickets, mangroves, usually near water.  Pacific lowlands in sw Costa Rica and w Panama in w Chiriqui.  Sometimes lumped with nigricapillus.
Thryothorus nigricapillus  BAY WREN.  Humid forest undergrowth, edge, second growth, usually near streams.  Caribbean lowlands in e Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama, incl I. Escudo de Veraguas; lowlands to 1800 m in extreme e Panama, w,nc Colombia and w Ecuador.

Thryothorus thoracicus  STRIPE-BREASTED WREN.  Humid forest undergrowth, edge, thickets.  Caribbean lowlands in Nicaragua, Costa Rica incl. locally on Pacific slope in Cordillera de Guanacaste, and w,c Panama.
Thryothorus leucopogon  STRIPE-THROATED WREN.  Humid forest undergrowth, edge, second growth.  Lowlands to 900 m in e Panama, w Colombia and nw Ecuador s to Manabí.
Thryothorus pleurostictus  BANDED WREN.  Arid scrub, dry thickets, brush, woodland edge.  Lowlands and foothills of Pacific slope from México, Morelos and w Puebla s to nw,c Costa Rica to c highlands.
Thryothorus ludovicianus  CAROLINA WREN.  Open deciduous woods, forest edge, thickets, towns.  Lowlands from c Kansas, e Nebraska, n Iowa, se Minnesota, s Wisconsin, s Michigan, s Ontario, extreme sw Quebec, c New York, s Vermont and Massachusetts s to e Coahuila, Nuevo León, e San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas, c,e,se Texas, Gulf coast incl. islands off Mississippi and nw Florida, and s Florida; locally in Tabasco, Yucatán Pen., n interior Guatemala and nw Nicaragua.  The Central American race, albinucha, sometimes is treated as a separate species.

Thryothorus rufalbus  RUFOUS-AND-WHITE WREN.  Woodland undergrowth, edge, thickets, riparian vegetation.  Lowlands to 1850 m from sw Chiapas and Guatemala s on both slopes, but absent from Caribbean side of Nicaragua, to w Panama, ne,e Colombia, w,n Venezuela.
Thryothorus nicefori  NICEFORO'S WREN.  Unknown habitat, probably undergrowth.  Known only from the w slope of the E. Andes in n Colombia in Santander at ca. 1100 m.  May be a race of rufalbus.
Thryothorus sinaloa  SINALOA WREN.  Open woods, thickets, mangroves.  Pacific slope to 750 m from se Sonora and sw Chihuahua s to extreme w Oaxaca.
Thryothorus modestus  PLAIN WREN.  Thickets, brush, weedy fields.  Lowlands to 1950 m from extreme e Oaxaca s on Pacific slope to Costa Rica (locally on Caribbean slope in int. Chiapas, Guatemala, Belize and Honduras; Mosquitia of ne Honduras) and Panama on both slopes except extreme nw, e to e Colón and e Panama Province; Caribbean slope from se Nicaragua s to extreme nw Panama in w Bocas del Toro.  The race zeledoni is vocally and ecologically distinct and may be a separate species, but contact between it and modestus has not been found.

Thryothorus leucotis  BUFF-BREASTED WREN.  Undergrowth, edge, swamps, mangroves, usually near water.  Lowlands to 1000 m from c,e Panama incl. Pearl Is., nw,n,c,e Colombia, w,c Venezuela and Guianas s, e of the Andes through e Ecuador and c,se Peru to n Bolivia and n,Amazonian,c Brazil, s to Mato Grosso, n São Paulo and int. Minas Gerais.  T. leucotis and T. longirostris hybridize in s Piauí, Brazil; they may be conspecific.
Thryothorus superciliaris  SUPERCILIATED WREN.  Arid scrub, dry undergrowth, farms.  Coastal lowlands to 500 m from sw Ecuador to nw Peru.  Sometimes included in T. leucotis or T. longirostris, but distinct in voice and ecology.
Thryothorus guarayanus  FAWN-BREASTED WREN.  Undergrowth, thickets, edge, near water.  Lowlands to 400 m in n,e Bolivia, adj. w Brazil and n Paraguay.  Perhaps conspecific with the vocally similar T. leucotis or T. longirostris, but they show no sign of intergradation in sw Brazil.

Thryothorus longirostris  LONG-BILLED WREN.  Forest edge, thickets, thorny scrub.  Lowlands to 900 m of int. ne,c,se Brazil from Ceará s to n Bahia and along coast from s Bahia s to Santa Catarina.  T. longirostris and leucotis hybridize in s Piauí, but guayaranus and leucotis show no sign of intergradation in sw Brazil.  The series from modestus to longirostris may be a single, variable species.
Thryothorus griseus  GREY WREN.  Forest undergrowth, edge.  Lowlands to 200 m in w Amazonian Brazil in sw Amazonas along lower Rio Javari, upper Rio Juruá and upper Rio Purús.
Troglodytes: Eurasia (T. troglodytes only), North, Central and South America; Lesser Antilles.  Thickets, undergrowth, gardens.  The Wren of Eurasia is conspecific with the Winter Wren of North America. 
Troglodytes is a Linnaean genus - a "troglodyte" is a cave-dweller, a reference to nests in holes or crevices. 
 9-12 cm.  Small wrens, mostly brownish or pale rufescent above, paler below, barred tails and wings; a whitish superciliary (absent in House Wren, aedon).  Nest of House Wren of twigs supporting a cup of grass lined with feathers in a tree hole, nook, crevice, bird box, inside buildings; T. ochraceus hides its nest in a hanging mass of epiphytes. Eggs of aedon 3-4 in tropics, 5-12 in temperate regions, whitish with brown markings; male builds "dummy" nests; both sexes destroy eggs of other House Wrens, and other species, by puncturing them with their beaks.
Troglodytes troglodytes  WINTER WREN.  Dense undergrowth of humid coniferous forest, often swampy or riparian, in winter also deciduous forest undergrowth.

T. t. troglodytes.  Lowlands to high mts. from Iceland, Faroe and Shetland is., British Isles, c Scandinavia and w Russia s to Morocco to Tunisia; ne Libya, n Mediterranean region incl. most islands, Turkey and Near East e across Caucasus, Transcaucasus, Transcaspia, Turkestan, e Kazakhstan, n Iran and n Pakistan to Himalayas up toe 5500 m in n India and Tibet to ne Burma, China, s Siberia (Altai, e Transbaicalia to Sakhalin and Kamchatka, Commander Is., Kuril Is., Japan, Korea and Taiwan.
 T. t. hiemalis.  From sc,se Alaska incl. Pribilof Is. and most of the Aleutians, n British Columbia, n Alberta and c Saskatchewan e across c Canada to s Labrador and Newfoundland, s to c Calif., ne Oregon, c Idaho, w Montana, sw Alberta, se Manitoba, ec Minnesota, s Wisconsin, c Michigan, s Ontario, nc Ohio (probably); in the Applachians to e Tennessee, ne Georgia and w N. Carolina, and to n Pennsylvania, n New Jersey and se New York.

Troglodytes aedon  HOUSE WREN.  Woods, thickets, chaparral, farms, towns.

Several subspecies groups are sometimes treated as species; intergradation between musculus, brunneicollis and aedon is complex; the first two may be sympatric in Mexico; martinicus reported to have songs similar to those of Thryothorus species, thus may be a separate species; cobbi of the Falkland Islands is a tussock grass specialist as well as being morphologically distinct.
 T. a. aedon.  From s,ec British Columbia, n Alberta, c Saskatchewan and s Manitoba e across extreme s Canada to New Brunswick and Maine, s to n Baja Calif., s Calif., s Nevada, c,se Arizona, s New Mexico, nw,n,e,s Texas, c Arkansas, nw,ec Louisiana, s Tennessee, ne Alabama, n,c,sc Georgia, nc Florida, S. Carolina, N. Carolina.
 T. a. brunneicollis.  Thickets, humid montane forest, edge and pine-oak.  Highlands from se Arizona, n Sonora, c Chihuahua, n Coahuila, c Nuevo León and sw Tamaulipas s to c Oaxaca w of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and wc Veracruz.

T. a. beani.  Se Mexico on Cozumel I. off the Yucatán Peninsula.
 T. a. martinicensis.  Lesser Antilles from Guadeloupe to Grenada.
 T. a. musculus.  Arid to humid forest, woods, scrub and mangroves.  Lowlands and mts. to 4000 m from nc Oaxaca, Tabasco, Chiapas and Yucután Pen., s to Panama incl. Coiba and Pearl is., and from Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Tobago and Guianas s to c Chile and c Argentina.
 T. a. cobbi.  Falkland Is.  Treated as a species (1993. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 113:195-207).

Troglodytes tanneri  CLARION WREN.  Brush, scrub, woods.  Clarión I. in the Revillagigedo Is.  Sometimes treated as a giant insular race of aedon.
Troglodytes rufociliatus  RUFOUS-BROWED WREN.  Forest, woods, bushes.  Mts., 1750-3200 m in Chiapas, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and nw Nicaragua.  Relationships among rufociliatus and ochraceus, monticola, solstitialis and rufulus are uncertain; all may be conspecific, but some resemble species outside this complex (e.g., monticola to brunneicollis of the aedon group).  Treated here as allospecies.
Troglodytes ochraceus  OCHRACEOUS WREN.  Forest, woods, undergrowth.  Mts. in Costa Rica and w,e Panama.

Troglodytes monticola  SANTA MARTA WREN.  Forest, undergrowth.  Santa Marta Mts., 3000-4700 m in ne Colombia.
Troglodytes solstitialis  MOUNTAIN WREN.  Humid forest.  Mts., 700-3600 m from Colombia and w Venezuela s through Andes of Ecuador, Peru and c,se Bolivia to nw Argentina.
Troglodytes rufulus  TEPUI WREN.  Undergrowth, savanna.  Pantepui, 1000-2800 m in se Venezuela and adj. n Brazil in Roraima.
Thryorchilus browni  TIMBERLINE WREN.  Scrub, bamboo thickets.  High mts. above 2400 m, at or near timberline in Costa Rica in the Cordillera de Talamanca, Volcán Turrialba and Volcán Irazú, and w Panama on Volcán Barú in w Chiriquí.

Uropsila leucogastra  WHITE-BELLIED WREN. Humid forest undergrowth, thickets.  Pacific lowlands from Colima s to c Guerrero, and Gulf-Caribbean lowlands frome San Luis Potosí and s Tamaulipas s through Veracruz, ne Puebla, n Oaxaca, Tabasco, n Chiapas and Yucatán Pen., n Guatemala in Petén and Belize; nc Honduras.

Henicorhina leucosticta  WHITE-BREASTED WOOD-WREN.  Humid forest undergrowth.  Lowlands to 1800 m from e San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo and n Veracruz s on Gulf-Caribbean slope, incl. Yucatán Pen., locally on Pacific slope in Chiapas and Guatemala, to Nicaragua, both slopes of Costa Rica (exc. dry nw) and Panama, and from w,n,se Colombia, s Venezuela and Guyana s, w of the Andes to nw Ecuador to Pichincha, and e slope of Andes s through e Ecuador to c Peru and n Brazil.

Henicorhina leucophrys  GREY-BREASTED WOOD-WREN.  Humid forest undergrowth, often near fallen trees, edge, thickets.  Foothills and mts., 500-3600 m from sw Jalisco, Michoacán, e San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo, Puebla and c Veracruz s through Oaxaca, Chiapas and Guatemala to El Salvador and Honduras; Costa Rica, Panama, and from Colombia and w,n Venezuela s through the Andes on w slope to w Ecuador and e slope through e Ecuador and e Peru to c Bolivia.
Henicorhina leucoptera  BAR-WINGED WOOD-WREN.  Humid mossy undergrowth of soil-poor forest.  Known only from the Andes, 1350-2450 m of s Ecuador and n Peru in n Cajamarca, San Martín and e La Libertad.  Sympatric with H. leucophrys.

Microcerculus philomela  NORTHERN NIGHTINGALE-WREN.  Humid forest undergrowth.  Foothills and mts. to 1800 m from n Chiapas s through Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and Nicaragua to c Costa Rica.  Sometimes included in M. marginatus, but vocally distinct and without evidence of intergradation.
Microcerculus marginatus  SOUTHERN NIGHTINGALE-WREN.  Humid forest undergrowth.

There is substantial geographic variation in songs, but changes in song types do not always correspond with changes in plumage.  However, the following groups may be separate species.

 M. m. luscinia.  Lower slopes and foothills in sw,se Costa Rica and Panama, absent from Pacific lowlands w of e Panamá Province.
 M. m. taeniatus.  Lowlands to 1700 m in w,n Colombia, w,nc Venezuela, w Ecuador s to Guyas.
 M. m. marginatus.  Lowlands to 1800 m e of Andes from e Colombia and sw Venezuela s through e Ecuador and e Peru to n Bolivia and Amazonian Brazil.

Microcerculus ustulatus  FLUTIST WREN.  Humid forest undergrowth.  Pantepui, 850-2100 m in s Venezuela, w Guyana and adj. n Brazil in Roraima.
Microcerculus bambla  WING-BANDED WREN.  Humid forest undergrowth.  Lowlands to 1500 m e of the Andes in s Venezuela, Guianas, e Ecuador, e Peru and Amazonian Brazil n of the Amazon from Rio Negro e to Amapá and Pará.

Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus  SONG WREN.  Humid forest undergrowth.  Lowlands to 1000 m in se Honduras, e Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, w,nc Colombia and sw Ecuador s to El Oro.  Often included in aradus, but differs in voice and morphology.
Cyphorhinus thoracicus  CHESTNUT-BREASTED WREN.  Humid forest undergrowth.  Andes, 700-2600 m from Colombia s through e Ecuador to se Peru in Puno, and wc Bolivia in La Paz.
Cyphorhinus aradus  MUSICIAN WREN.  Humid forest undergrowth, riparian thickets.

Species limits are uncertain; morphologically definable populations often sing similar songs and intergrade.
 C. a. modulator.  Lowlands to 1000 m e of Andes from se Colombia s through e Ecuador and e Peru to n,e Bolivia and Amazonian Brazil e to Rio Negro and w Pará.
 C. a. aradus.  S Venezuela, Guianas and n Brazil s to Amazon and w to Rio Negro.

Auriparus flaviceps  VERDIN.  Desert scrub with mesquite, acacia, saltbush, creosote bush, often along washes.  From ne Baja Calif., s Calif., s Nevada, n Arizona, sw Utah, c New Mexico and c Texas s to s Baja Calif. incl. many nearby islands, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Querétaro, Hidalgo and Tamaulipas.

Microbates collaris  COLLARED GNATWREN.  Humid forest undergrowth.  Lowlands to 900 m in se Colombia, s Venezuela, Surinam, French Guiana, ne Peru and Amazonia,ne Brazil.
Microbates cinereiventris  TAWNY-FACED GNATWREN.  Forest, edge, undergrowth.  Lowlands to 1000 m on Caribbean slope of se Nicaragua and Costa Rica, both slopes of Panama and from w,n,e Colombia s, w of Andes to w Ecuador s to El Oro and Loja, and e of the Andes through e Ecuador to e Peru.

Ramphocaenus melanurus  LONG-BILLED GNATWREN.  Forest, undergrowth, edge, brush, woods.  Lowlands from n Oaxaca and s Veracruz s along both slopes incl. Yucatán Pen. to Panama, w Colombia, w Ecuador and nw Peru; lowlands to 1700 m from n,e Colombia, Venezuela and Guianas s, e of the Andes through e Ecuador to e Peru, n Bolivia and Amazonian, ne Brazil and coastal e Brazil from Pernambuco s to São Paulo and Santa Catarina.

Polioptila caerulea  BLUE-GREY GNATCATCHER.  Forest, woods, scrub, chaparral.  From s Oregon, s Idaho, sw Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, se S. Dakota, w Iowa, se Minnesota, s Wisconsin, s Michigan, extreme s Ontario, sw Quebec, c New York, c New Hampshire, c Vermont and s Maine s to s Baja Calif., through most of Mexico incl. Yucatán Pen. and Cozumel I., to s Chiapas and Belize, and to se Texas, Gulf coast, s Florida and Bahama Is. s to Turk Is.

Polioptila californica  CALIFORNIA GNATCATCHER.  Coastal sage scrub, thorn forest, desert scrub, mesquite, creosote bush.  Sw Calif. n, at least formerly, to Ventura County, and Baja Calif. except ne, but incl. Santa Margarita and Espírito Santo islands.  Formerly included in melanura, but vocally distinct and locally sympatric.
Polioptila melanura  BLACK-TAILED GNATCATCHER.  Desert scrub with mesquite, acacia, saltbush, often along washes.  From ne Baja Calif., se Calif., s Nevada, s Utah, w,c Arizona, sw Colorado, c New Mexico and w,s Texas in the Rio Grande Valley, s to s Sonora, Tiburón I., s Durango, Jalisco, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosí and Tamaulipas.
Polioptila lembeyei  CUBAN GNATCATCHER.  Semi-arid coastal scrub.  Cuba and Cayo Coco.

Polioptila nigriceps  BLACK-CAPPED GNATCATCHER.  Riparian woods, associated mesquite.  Irregular in extreme s Arizona.  From s Sonora and sw Chihuahua s through Sinaloa, w Durango, Nayarit and Jalisco to Colima.  Sometimes lumped with albiloris.
Polioptila albiloris  WHITE-LORED GNATCATCHER.  Deciduous woods, arid scrub, brush.  Pacific lowlands and arid interior valleys from Michoacán, Guerrero, Oaxaca, w Puebla and Chiapas, n Yucatán, s to nw Costa Rica to the Gulf of Nicoya area.
Polioptila plumbea  TROPICAL GNATCATCHER.  Forest edge, woods, scrub, savanna, mangroves.

The three subspecies groups may be separate species.
 P. p. bilineata. Lowlands on Gulf-Carribean slope of Oaxaca, Campeche, Quintana Roo, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and Nicaragua, both slopes of Costa Rica and Panama incl. Coiba and Pearl is., and from Colombia from Pacific lowlands e in Caribbean lowlands to w base of Santa Marta Mts., s through w Ecuador to w Peru s to Lima.
 P. p. plumbea.  Lowlands and mts. to 2500 m from c,e Colombia, Venezuela incl. Margarita I. (but not Delta Amacuro) and Guianas s, e of the Andes, through e Ecuador to e Peru and Amazonian,e Brazil.
 P. p. major.  Upper Marañón Valley of n Peru from Piura and Cajamarca s to Lima.

Polioptila lactea  CREAMY-BELLIED GNATCATCHER.  Forest, edge, woods.  Lowlands to 400 m in e Paraguay, se Brazil in Espíritu Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Paraná, and ne Argentina in Misiones and Corrientes.  Possibly conspecific with P. plumbea.
Polioptila guianensis  GUIANAN GNATCATCHER.  Forest.  Lowlands to 300 m e of the Andes in s Venezuela, Guianas and nw,n Brazil s locally to upper Rio Negro, R. Tapajós and n Pará.  Possibly conspecific with schistaceigula.
Polioptila schistaceigula  SLATE-THROATED GNATCATCHER.  Forest, edge.  Lowlands to 1000 m in e Panama, n,w,ce Colombia and nw Ecuador.

Polioptila dumicola  MASKED GNATCATCHER.  Deciduous forest, cerrado.

The berlepschi group is morphologically distinct and differs vocally; may be a separate species.
 P. d. berlepschi.  Lowlands to 2400 m in extreme ne Bolivia in c Beni, and c,e Brazil from se Pará, Gioás and w Minas Gerais s to n,c Mato Grosso and São Paulo.
 P. d. dumicola.  Lowlands to 2400 m in n,e,se Bolivia in Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Chuquisaca and rariha, Paraguay, n Argentina to La Roija, Córdoboa and Buenos Aires, Uruguay and s Brazil in sw Mato Grosso and Rio Grande do Sul.


Remiz: Eurasia in marshes or riparian woods.  The three species often are treated as conspecific; however, they overlap with little or no hybridization where their ranges are in contact.

 Remiz pendulinus  EURASIAN PENDULINE-TIT.  Reedbeds, marshes.

R. p. pendulinus.  Locally from c Europe w to Denmark, Germany, e,s France and coastal se Iberian Pen., n Mediterranean region, Sicily, and Turkey e to nw,n Iran, sw,c Russia e to Ural Mts., and s to Crimea and nw,ne Caspian Sea, areas n of Aral Sea and Lake Balkhash region and w Siberia e to ca. long. 80°E.
 R. p. macronyx.  Sc Asia n to Caspian Sea, Aral Sea region and Lake Balkhash, n,se Iran and sw Afghanistan.

Remiz coronatus  WHITE-CROWNED PENDULINE-TIT.  Deciduous woods, especially willow and birches near water.  Locally in w Siberia from Ural Mts. and Aral Sea e to Altai, Caucasus, Afghanistan, s Siberia e to Transbaicalia, Mongolia and w China in Sinkiang and Ningsia.
Remiz consobrinus  CHINESE PENDULINE-TIT.  Bushes near water, reedbeds, marshes.  Locally n China in ne Inner Mongolia, Hopeh and Heilungkiang.
 Anthoscopus punctifrons  SENNAR PENDULINE-TIT.  Arid savanna, acacia forest.  Senegambia, s Mauritania, s Mali, s Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Lake Chad area to c Sudan, nw Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Anthoscopus parvulus  YELLOW PENDULINE-TIT.  Dry woodland.  S of A. punctifrons in s Mauritania, Senegambia e through s Mali, n Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, (?s Niger), Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, n Nigeria, Cameroon, C. African Rep., s Chad, s Sudan and ne Zaire.  (?nw Uganda).
Anthoscopus musculus  MOUSE-COLORED PENDULINE-TIT.  Thorn scrub.  C,s,e Ethiopia, Somalia, s Sudan, n Uganda, Kenya and ne Tanzania.
Anthoscopus flavifrons  FOREST PENDULINE-TIT.  Humid forest.  Lowlands to 600 m in Liberia, s Ivory Coast, s Ghana, s Nigeria, s Cameroon, Gabon, Congo e to n,ce Zaire.

Anthoscopus caroli  AFRICAN PENDULINE-TIT.  Brachystegia and acacia woodland.

A. c. sylviella has been treated as a separate species (e.g., Sibley and Monroe 1990:567), but the East African List Committee retain sylviella in caroli.  D. A. Turner, pers. comm.).  Dowsett and Dowsett-Lemaire (1993) agree.
 A. c. caroli.  From Congo Rep., Angola, sc,se Zaire, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, s Kenya, c,sw,e Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia s to n Namibia, n,e Botswana, Zimbabwe and ne S. Africa in e Transvaal, Swaziland and n Natal.
 A. c. sylviella.  BUFF-BELLIED PENDULINE-TIT.  Sw,sc Kenya and c,sw Tanzania.
 A. c. rankinei.  On lower Zambesi River along border between ne Zimbabwe and nw Mozambique.
 Rankinei is known from two specimens that seem distinct and may be a separate species.

Anthoscopus minutus  SOUTHERN PENDULINE-TIT.  Thorn scrub.  Sw Angola, Namibia, Botswana and w Zimbabwe to s,sw S. Africa e to c Transvaal, Orange Free State and e Cape Prov.
Cephalopyrus flammiceps  FIRE-CAPPED TIT.  Mixed forest, woodland.  Himalayas, 1500-3500 m in n Pakistan, n India from Kashmir e to Sikkim, se Tibet, c,sw China, nw Thailand and n Laos.

Pholidornis rushiae  TIT-HYLIA.  Forest.  Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, s Cameroon, Fernando Po I., Gabon, Congo, cw,ne Zaire and s Uganda, s to nw Angola and cs,ce Zaire.

Subfamily PARINAE
Parus:  Tits, Titmice, Chickadees.  Range as for Parinae, above.  Some of the species of Parus cluster into groups based on plumage characters, biochemical traits and geography, as follows (Gill, et al. 1989. Wilson Bull. 101:182-197; protein electrophoresis); Sheldon, et al. 1992. Auk 109:173-185; DNA hybridization). 
Some species have not been defined as members of groups.  Some of the groups may be distinct enough to be treated as genera, as have some in the past, e.g. Baeolophus.

 Poecile group:  Chickadees; two or three superspecies.

1.  Black cap, chin, white face, usually black throat, gray or brown above, whitish or buffy below.  N. A., Eurasia.  P. palustris, lugubris, montanus, carolinensis, atricapillus, gambeli, sclateri, superciliosus.  P. carolinensis and atricapillus occasionally hybridize where ranges overlap in the e U.S; atricapillus and sclateri are closely related; superciliosus is rufous below and occurs in the mts. of w. China.

2.  P. davidi is similar to those above, with a rufous nuchal band and rufous below; mts. w China.
3.  P. cinctus, hudsonicus, rufescens have brown crowns; rufescens a rufous back.  Siberia, w N.A.
 Periparus group:

4.  P. rufonuchalis, rubidiventris, melanolophus, ater have black crests, black and white faces, gray backs, gray or buffy below.  First 3 in the Himalayas; ater Eurasia.

Not Yet Defined.

5.  P. venustulus, elegans, amabilis have black caps, throats; venustulus (China) is yellow below and on nape, blue-black back; elegans and amabilis (Philippines) have yellow backs and underparts, white in wings.

Lophophanes group:

6.  P. cristatus, dichrous are crested, gray above; cristatus crest black and white, black throat, eyeline, collar; pale gray-brown below; dichrous gray-crested, gray above, buffy below.

Not Yet Defined.

7.  P. guineensis, leucomelas, niger (Africa) glossy blue-black with white wing patches and tail tips.
8.  P. albiventris  black above, head, throat; white below, white wing patch; leuconotus black with white upper back (mantle); funereus blackish-gray with greenish-gloss, some with white wing spots.  Africa.
9.  P. rufiventris, pallidiventris, fringillinus rufous or buffy-brown below; black head, neck; gray back; wings and tail black with white areas.  Africa.
10.  P. fasciiventris, thruppi, griseiventris, cinerascens, afer (Africa).  Crown, throat, nape black; gray above; white in wings and tail; gray or buffy below; fasciiventris and thruppi have more black on head and neck; cinerascens gray above and below; griseiventris pale buffy gray below with median black line.

Parus group:

11.  P. major (Eurasia) has a  black crown, throat; white cheeks; yellow below with black midline; greenish above; female paler.  P. bokharensis
 (Turkestan) similar with grayish back and whitish below with black midline.

Not yet defined.

12.  P. monticolus (Himalayas) black crown, throat; white cheeks, wingbars, outer rectrices; belly yellow with black midline; back greenish; nuchalis (c, s India) similar but nape, throat, sides and flanks white with black midline, i.e., white below where monticolus is yellow.
13.  P. xanthogenys crest black with yellow tips; superciliary and nape yellow; back olive-green; wings black with yellow spots, white patch; yellow below with black midline from chin to vent.  P. spilonotus similar with yellow face, sides; black eyeline; back black with gray spots.  Both in the Himalayas.
14.  P. holsti (mts. Taiwan).  Cap, long crest, back, rump blue-black; lores and underparts light yellow; wings blue.  P. caeruleus (Eurasia, Canary Is., nw Africa) blue crown, wings; face white with black eyeline, chin, collar; yellow below with black midline; greenish back.

Cyanistes group:

15.  P. cyanus (Eurasia) crown and underparts white; eyeline, nape, wings, tail black; back blue-gray; white wingbars and tail tips; flavipectus (sc Eurasia, China) like cyanus with yellow breast.  These two hybridize where ranges overlap.

Not yet defined.

16.  P. varius (e Asia) cap and nape black, head buffy; upper back rufous; lower back, wings, tail bluish; throat and upper breast black; belly rufous.
17.  P. semilarvatus (Philippines) bluish-black above, black below, white on forehead, facial area, and nuchal spot.  Female brownish below.

Baeolophus group:

18.  P. wollweberi, inornatus, bicolor, atricristatus (U.S., ne Mexico).  These four species are called "titmice" sometimes placed in Baeolophus; all are crested; wollweberi (sw U.S., Mexico) has a black crest with black-and-white facial markings that account for the English name, Bridled Titmouse.  P. inornatus (w U.S., nw Mexico) is plain gray above, paler below; bicolor is bluish-gray above, whitish-buffy below; atricristatus (Texas, ne Mexico) black crest, white forehead, grayish above, whitish below with rusty sides.  P. bicolor and atricristatus hybridize in nc Texas.

Parus palustris  MARSH TIT.  Mixed deciduous wood, riparian woods, towns.

The three subspecies groups seem to be allopatric.  Hypermelaena has a large black bib and a slight crest, the others have small bibs and no crest.  B. King (pers. comm.) recommends species status for hypermelaena.
 P. p. palustris.  Locally from s British Isles, s Scandinavia and w,sc Russia e to c Ural Mts., s to n Spain, n Mediterranean region from s France, Sicily, e to Greece, Balkans, n Turkey and Caucasus.
 P. p. brevirostris.  From s Siberia from Altai and L. Baikal to Sakhalin and Kuril Is., s to Manchuria, Korea and n Japan on Hokkaido.
 P. p. hypermelaena.  C,e China, se Tibet and w Burma.

Parus lugubris  SOMBRE TIT.  Open woods, orchards, willows.  From Yugoslavia, s Hungary and Balkans e through Turkey and Near East to sw Transcaucasus and Iran.  P. l. hyrcanus of n Iran of n Iran does not intergrade with adjacent races and sometimes is treated as a separate species.

        .Sibley's Sequence
         Passeriformes 15