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Honda sulla strada della moda:La Repubblica - camicie in cotone a manica corta Honda Team, pantaloni in cotone con ampie tasche laterali, felpa in cotone con marchio Honda sul retro, una t-shirt a manica corta in microfibra ed un gilet nero in ...Un business game a Potenza, grazie a ForimBasilicata Press - School Travel spa, che progetta e vende pacchetti turistici, l'ITC "Leonardo Da Vinci" di Potenza e la Mettinmoto spa, che proporranno al mercato un gilet autoriscaldante, l'ITCG "L....Ugly Betty, rivincita per bruttine di talentoMSN Italy - Merito del costumista Edoardo Castro, che ha saccheggiato negozi vintage e mercatini per assemblare orridi gilet di lana, gonne dalle fantasie caleidoscopiche e foulard della nonna....Ufo Robot Goldrake torna a volare. con l'approvazione dell'autoreIl Sole 24 Ore - country come veniva percepito dagli hippie), con personaggi che indossano costumi stivali e frange: il protagonista Actarus/Duke Fleed, in particolare, quando non è in tuta da Goldrake sfoggia gilet ...Festa del cinema, si cominciaRaiNet News - Jeans, camicia verde e gilet nero, il volto coperto da un cappellino da baseball, l'attrice ha fatto di tutto per evitare fans e fotografi che non sono stati ammessi né all'uscita della scaletta ...Il cowboy dei buoni sentimentiLa Repubblica - Più che a John Wayne, il Costner che arriva in conferenza stampa somiglia a un Gregory Peck anni '50: camicia bianca, gilet grigio e pantaloni kaki ma, soprattutto, lo sguardo pacato di chi ci ...LOWELL 3, METHUEN 0 (Lowell Sun)Methuen -- Bergeron cf 3-0-0, Guselli 2b 3-0-0, McCarthy ss 3-0-0, Everson p 3-0-0, Brown c 3-0-0, Fleming dh 3-0-2, Mason 1b 3-0-0, Federico lf 2-0-0, Lentine 3b 2-0-0, Chaisson rf 0-0-0. Totals: 25-0-2....Please come home (Guernsey Press and Star)THE family of a missing taximan Norman Le Messurier is still hopeful that he will be found....ThyssenKrupp May Buy Less Nickel on Substitution Use (Update1) ( 22 (Bloomberg) -- ThyssenKrupp AG, the world's biggest stainless steelmaker, may reduce nickel purchases to cut costs as prices of the raw material rise to record highs....High School Softball Boxes & Tennis Summaries (Lowell Sun)Sara Quatrale (F) def. Kim Post, 6-3, 6-2 Jessica Distler (NM) def. Caitlin Coleman, 6-3, 6-1...Fears for safety of veteran taxi driver (Guernsey Press and Star)ONE of Guernsey's best known cabbies is missing. Now semi-retired, Norman Le Messurier, 65, has not been seen since Thursday....One mother's search for the perfect meringue (The Scotsman)SIX YEARS ago, after an endless round of sums, soul-searching and sleepless nights, we ushered a small hesitant girl, scrubbed and smart in shining shoes and giant blazer, through the doors of one of Scotland's private schools....High School Scoreboard (Lowell Sun)Marlboro -- JBryant ss 3-1-0, Winske rf 4-0-0, Rudzinsky 1b 4-0-0, Paolini 3b 3-0-2, Sullivan 2-1-0, Thibault 2b 3-0-0, KBryant lf 2-1-1, Farley dh 1-0-0, McCarthy dh 1-0-0, DoAmaral dh 1-0-0, Flynn c 3-0-0, Montesian p 0-0-0. Totals: 27-3-3....High school summaries (Lowell Sun)Andover -- Farnham rf 3-1-1, Masse dh 4-1-1, Godefroi lf 3-0-0, Calabro cf 3-1-1, Taylor 2b 3-1-1, Clark 3b 3-0-2, Hennessy ss 1-0-0, Hawkins c 3-0-0, Pierce 1b 2-0-0, Brody ph 1-0-0, Hoffman p 0-0-0. Totals: 26-4-6....ASSET CLASSES (10): ANTIQUES (Financial Mail)purchase of Cézanne's au Gilet Rouge , the late American philanthropist Paul Mellon shrugged his shoulders. "You look at that," he said, "and what is money?"...High School Summaries, Box Scores (Lowell Sun)Rosemary Woods (MA) def. Salva Masud, 6-0, 6-1 Marie Wallace (MA) def. Michaela MacDonald, 6-1, 6-1...
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