info: BASKET
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BASKET, FINALI NBA: SAN ANTONIO BATTE UTAH IN GARA 4La Repubblica - San Antonio ha battuto Utah 91-79 in gara 4 della finale di Western Conference dei off del campionato Nba. La serie, al meglio delle sette sfide, vede gli Spurs avanti 3-1. Gara 5 č in programma ...Juventus, Inter, - Nel libro si apprende che il tipico "dai e vai" del basket ispira l'attivitą della giunta comunale. Di Galileo Galilei la prefazione dedicata all'attivitą indefessa del sindaco Iervolino ...Progetto Anpas a favore dello sport per i disabiliVITA - per lo sci alpino per non vedenti; due slittini fondo con attacchi sci e guscio, tre monosci prashberger per sci alpino e fondo; cinque carrozzine tennis regolabili topspin; tre carrozzine basket ...SIRIA: BASHAR ASSAD RIELETTO CON IL 97,62% DEI VOTIAlto Adige - offerta consorzio bank scotland su abn amro gaza, 08:30 m.o.: soldati israeliani uccidono due militanti di hamas salt lake city, 08:15 basket, finali nba: san antonio batte utah in gara 4 roma, 07:58 statali...BASKET: PLAY-OFF, VU NERE IN SEMIFINALE CON MILANOAGI Online - (AGI/ITALPRESS) - Bologna, 27 mag. - La Vidivici Bologna e' la quarta semifinalista dei play-off scudetto di basket. Le Vu Nere di coach Markovski, davanti agli oltre 8.000 del PalaMalaguti, hanno ...Marcelletti: `Attenzione al talento di Roma`Datasport - Siena-Roma vede affrontarsi due squadre che giocano un basket completamente opposto: veloce e tecnico i toscani, piu` fisico e tattico i capitolini. Pero` a Roma in panchina c`e` quel Jasmin Repesa ...Bologna non dą scampo a BiellaSportal - E' la Virtus Bologna la quarta semifinalista dei playoff scudetto del massimo campionato di basket. La formazione di coach Markovsky raggiunge infatti Milano, Siena e Roma superando in gara-5 l ...Nuvoli invia con moglie sms di solidarietą a Cappato ...Radicali Italiani - Nuvoli: 53enne, di Alghero, ex arbitro ed allenatore di calcio e basket, č affetto da Sclerosi laterale amiotrofica. Come Piergiorgio Welby ha scritto al Presidente della Repubblica ...B Ecc. off: Finali gara2, risultatiBrundisium.Net - Brundisium, il punto d' o della gente di Brindisi Basket » 27/05/2007 B Ecc. off: Finali gara2, risultati Veroli e Pistoia ad un passo dalla ...BasketNet SondaggiBasketnet - H Femminile Basket estero Varie Giovanili Interviste Mercatino Parte da oggi una nuova sezione chiamata BasketNet Sondaggi dove potrete esprimere le vostre ...DailyFX Dynamic Carry Trade Basket: Gains in NZD, AUD, and GBP long offset by losses in CHF and HKD (Daily FX via Yahoo! Finance)§ In the last five trading days, the performance of our carry trade basket has been mixed. Gains in the NZD, AUD, and GBP long positions were offset by losses in the Swiss franc and Hong Kong dollar....DailyFX Dynamic Carry Trade Basket: Gains in NZD, AUD, and GBP long offset by losses in CHF and HKD (Daily FX)§In the last five trading days, the performance of our carry trade basket has been mixed. Gains in the NZD, AUD, and GBP long positions were offset by losses in the Swiss franc and Hong Kong dollar. Still, we accumulated nearly $150 on interest payments and ended up having one more positive week....OPEC Weekly Basket Price Up $1.85 To $66.40/Bbl - OPEC (Nasdaq)LONDON -(Dow Jones)- The value of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries' basket of 11 crude oils rose $1.85 to an average $66.40 a barrel last week, up from $64.55 a barrel the previous week, OPEC said Monday....DailyFX Dynamic Carry Trade Basket: Gains in NZD, AUD and GBP positions offset by losses in CHF and HKD (Forex Capital Markets via Yahoo!7 Finance)§ In the last five trading days, the performance of our carry trade basket has been mixed. Gains in the NZD, AUD and GBP long positions were offset by losses in the Swiss franc and Hong Kong dollar. Still, we accumulated nearly $150 on interest payments and ended up having one more positive week. § A large amount of our profits were done in the sterling 86 pips gain from ...BasKet calls for developers (Addict 3D)Release 1.0.2 of BasKet Note Pads ( reviewed here last February) isout. There's a few enhancements, but the more important part of theannouncement is the appeal for developers....ZIMBABWE: The tragedy of a country in a basket (AlertNet)Source: IRIN The decrease in spending power caused by the world's highest inflation rate is seeing basic commodities being sold in smaller packages, both in Zimbabwe's formal and informal marketplaces. ...Spurs get tough to take 3-1 series lead (AP via Yahoo! News)each drive to the basket and each fall to the floor - flop or not - Manu Ginobili made the Utah Jazz and their fans angrier and angrier. Players and coaches complained to the refs. Fans booed, threw things and popped balloons. All Ginobili did was keep hitting his free throws, pushing the San Antonio Spurs to a 91-79 victory Monday night and a 3-1 lead in the Western Conference finals....Ian Thomsen: Spurs grind out testy Game 4 win (Sports Illustrated)SALT LAKE CITY -- For awhile this felt a lot like a European playoff game in one of those Greek or arenas where the fans never shut up and every basket is greeted as a tragedy or a miracle. Manu Ginobili learned to in this kind of setting, and he looked entirely comfortable while bulling his way to the foul line for 15 fourth-quarter points to turn a tight Game 4 into a 91-79 Spurs ...Spurs closing in on Finals berth (Sports Illustrated)SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- each drive to the basket and each fall to the floor -- flop or not -- Manu Ginobili made the Utah Jazz and their fans angrier and angrier....Manu Ginobili lifts the Spurs to a 3-1 series lead (Los Angeles Times)He scores 22 points, 15 in the fourth quarter, as San Antonio takes control of Western Conference finals. SALT LAKE CITY - each drive to the basket and each fall to the court - flop or not - Manu Ginobili made the Utah Jazz and their fans angrier and angrier. ...
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