[XR&CO'2005], Fri, 20 Jul 2007 05:23:41 GMT --> lady condom
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    Mesotheloma patch, an injectable or a condom, most women are unaware that most contraceptives have benefits attached to their usage, over and above the function of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Many of these benefits are not health-related, and provide beauty and skin enhancement, a
    Mesotheloma patch, an injectable or a condom, most women are unaware that most contraceptives have benefits attached to their usage, over and above the function of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Many of these benefits are not health-related, and provide beauty and skin enhancement, a
    Mesotheloma patch, an injectable or a condom, most women are unaware that most contraceptives have benefits attached to their usage, over and above the function of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Many of these benefits are not health-related, and provide beauty and skin enhancement, a
    Mesotheloma patch, an injectable or a condom, most women are unaware that most contraceptives have benefits attached to their usage, over and above the function of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Many of these benefits are not health-related, and provide beauty and skin enhancement, a

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    L'ultima novità in fatto di contraccezione femminile? E' ''Lady Condom'', il primo preservativo dedicato alla donna. Sperimentato nel nostro paese,
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    Aids: arriva “Lady Condom”. venerdì, ottobre 21, 2005, 19:57 - E adesso arriva il preservativo femminile, che qualcuno ha già battezzato "Lady Condom".
    Kenya First Lady: Condom "is causing the spread of AIDS in this
    For First Lady, Lucy Kibaki, "never" is a sure bet with abstinence. See related LifeSiteNews.com coverage: Uganda's First Lady Warns Teens against Condom
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    Lucky Lady Pleasure Kit - condoms for women by women.
    Created by women for women, this condom assortment features 9 different condoms, a Flavored pillow pack of lube and 2 Pleasure Wipes with alluring scent.
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    The next day, Lady 1 hobbles herself into the local drugstore and announces to the pharmacist that she wants a box of condoms.
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    HIV Outreach, Prevention and Education Services. The Condom Lady Ask the Condom Lady. Information is confidential and you will receive a response within

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    [XR&CO'2005], Fri, 20 Jul 2007 05:23:41 GMT -->