Libyan Intelligence Agencies and links
Libyan Intelligence Agencies and links
Dimensional Insight: The Business Intelligence Company with a Personal...
Dimensional Insight is a business intelligence company that offers a personal approach to business data services. Our business intelligence tools allow our clients to perform integrated business analyses of multidimensional databases.
INTRASET provides Enterprise-wide Resource Planning (ERP), Data Warehousing (DW), Customer Relationship Management
Cipher Systems - Market Research, Competitive Intelligence, Content Ma...
Cipher Systems offers consulting consulting and technology tools that give strategic insight into all aspects of your marketplace. Backed by award-winning competitive intelligence technology including Knowledge.Works™, we deliver both strategic research
Dimensional Insight A Personal Approach to Business Intelligence
Dimensional Insight is a leading provider of business intelligence software to Fortune5000 companies around the world.
Bruce Acacio
INFINITE OLAP is a multidimensional visualization, analysis, and reporting solution to target opportunities, track performance, and increase profits. INFINITE OLAP pulls data from all popular database environments including Oracle, SQL, DB2 and iSeries.
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