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SUSAN TOMPOR: Auto scam steals your money and good credit Detroit Free Press
Now, here's a fast-cash deal destined to make fast trouble. Auto lenders tell me there's a nationwide scam in which consumers are being enticed to take out a car loan -- or maybe two or three -- for someone else as a way to make quick money.
Summit County Akron Beacon Journal
Jonathan Foster, 24, was charged Sept. 21 with criminal mischief and two counts of disorderly conduct. Police said Foster was found hiding in a construction zone at the dead end of Paul Williams Street after being kicked out of a nearby bar. Police said they also recognized Foster as a man who matched the description of a person who broke off the parking gate of a downtown Akron restaurant.
Feature and TV Films
* An alphabetical listing of movies on TV the week of Sept. 24-Sept. 30. Absolution (2006) Samantha Mathis. A New York journalist returns to her small hometown to investigate claims of a comatose man who can miraculously heal people. (NR) 1 hr. 36 mins.
Sitter gets jail for leaving kids in hot car Nevada Appeal
A Carson City baby sitter was sentenced Tuesday to 15 weekends in jail for leaving her two charges unattended inside a sweltering vehicle while she gambled.
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Foreclosures soar Detroit News
Metro Detroit homeowners are skidding into foreclosure at nearly three times the rate as they were last year as a slumping economy, falling home values and risky mortgages leave more household budgets in the red.

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