Eccentric burglars harassing retirees Orlando Sentinel
The thieves take wallets and purses -- and rearrange personal items sometimes, victims say. Mary Lou Stephen was angry but not surprised that a thief crept into her house and stole her purse.
Pomegranate juice may cut Alzheimer’s risk Food Navigator
03/10/2006 - A daily glass of antioxidant-rich pomegranate juice could halve the build-up of harmful proteins linked to Alzheimer’s disease, says a new animal study from the USA.
Up Next And Recaps CBS News
MADAM JUSTICE 60 Minutes Mike Wallace interviews Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in her chambers on the eve of the start of the Court's new term. Justice Ginsburg is the first sitting Supreme Court justice to give an interview in her private chambers in more than a decade.
Engaging revival personalizes the AIDS crisis Sun-Sentinel
In its opening scenes, Stephen Dietz's Lonely Planet is an enigmatic little play about two guys holed up against a global scourge. It could be another sci-fi riff on space invaders.
GLITTERING mini-dresses in icy rose lame, glass mirrors reflecting into infinity and beyond, and Sixties futurism in the form of fitted white shifts: Paris Fashion Week had lift of at the weekend.
Kill Rock Stars' Slim Moon Leaves KRS for Nonesuch Pitchfork
Kill Rock Stars and Nonesuch might not seem like they have much in common. One label is known for launching pioneering riot grrrl bands (Bikini Kill, Bratmobile), experimental outfits (Deerhoof, Xiu Xiu), and indie rock titans (Sleater-Kinney, the Decemberists).
THE last slog of the Fashion Week circus is a wearying affair for all involved, so fashion’s most eccentric and electric duo, Viktor & Rolf , decided a little respite was needed. This was no standard catwalk affair.
When Styles Collide: Five Tips for Merging His and Hers Sleepy Eye Herald Dispatch
(ARA) - Couples spend months planning every detail of their wedding day, but what about the planning that goes into creating a new home together and combining two separate styles into one living space?
Glass looks forward to Hall contest The Age
ALL-AUSTRALIAN full-back Darren Glass is confident he can restrain Sydney's bullish forward Barry Hall in today's grand final, by sticking to the accountable style he has practised on him in the past.
On his faith: 'I would go anywhere to carry that truth, even to the point of death' Chicago Sun-Times
Lunch with Stephen Baldwin, the youngest and oddest of the Hollywood Baldwin brothers, is not really lunch, per se. Not in the sense of sitting down and having a meal with someone in the middle of the day.
Lies, damn lies and fiction - Forbes.com
The article was a complete and utter hoax perpetrated by one of the magazine's own associate editors, 25-year-old Stephen Glass.
Shattered Glass (2003)
Shattered Glass - Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Comments, Discussion, Taglines, Trailers, Posters, Photos, Showtimes, Link to Official Site, Fan Sites.
By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine
Great stories, both false--cribbed from articles by Stephen Glass in the New Republic. Glass was fired last week by TNR after a Forbes reporter alerted TNR
Stephen Glass
A rising star at The New Republic, Stephen Glass was considered something of a phenom. Before he was 30, he had front page articles and was making a
New Republic Associate Editor Stephen Glass Fired for Fabricating
New Republic editor Charles Lane fired associate editor Stephen Glass on May 8, saying that a recent article by Glass about computer hackers was "a hoax.
By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine
Great stories, both false--cribbed from articles by Stephen Glass in the New Republic. Glass was fired last week by TNR after a Forbes reporter alerted TNR
The incomplete contrition of serial liar Stephen Glass. By Jack
Stephen Glass lay low after New Republic Editor Charles Lane busted him in 1998 for fabricating hundreds of facts, quotations, individuals, and events in
Stephen Glass
A rising star at The New Republic, Stephen Glass was considered something of a phenom. Before he was 30, he had front page articles and was making a
New Republic Associate Editor Stephen Glass Fired for Fabricating
New Republic editor Charles Lane fired associate editor Stephen Glass on May 8, saying that a recent article by Glass about computer hackers was "a hoax.
Shattered Glass - Lions Gate Films
Official site for Shattered Glass from Lions Gate Entertainment.
Shattered Glass
SHATTERED GLASS reviews from the nation's top critics and audiences. Also includes movie info, trailer, poster, photos, news, articles, and forum.
Q&A: Former New Republic Editor Charles Lane
It was during his tenure that Stephen Glass, an associate editor, was fired for wildly fabricating stories in the magazine. A new movie, Shattered Glass,
<nettime> disappearing journalists, digital-style
T] May 18, 1998 WASHINGTON SCENE: HACK HEAVEN By Stephen Glass Ian Restil, a 15-year-old computer hacker who looks like an even more adolescent version of