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Trash or treasure, there’s a great deal to be had at Winona police auction Winona Daily News
Ted Welker and Colleen Noonan got lucky at the last police auction in the spring. That’s why the Winona State University students came back for another round of used car and bicycle buying at the fall auction Wednesday at the city garage.
Police Report Centre Daily Times
Man pleads guilty to assault, porn charges BELLEFONTE -- A State College man pleaded guilty Monday in Centre County Court to six counts of indecent assault for molesting a young boy and 63 counts of possession of child graphy, Centre County Assistant District Attorney Lance Marshall said.
1988 Dodge Diplomat Salon AHB Police Package from North America
What things have gone wrong with the car? Carburetor has slight choke problem, will be easily fixed. Replaced lots of things on my last one, but then again I put 160K miles on it.
Leicester will stay in control Worcester Telegram & Gazette
LEICESTER - The decision on how to make the town's old police station marketable to prospective buyers is still up in the air, but the people discussing the situation at last night's selectmen's meeting pretty much agreed that rezoning is not the solution.
Wednesday's Local News WTOL News 11
Counselors helped students cope in two local schools after a car crash killed one student and hurt 5 others. The crash happened around 3:30pm Wednesday on State Route 105 a quarter-mile south of Martin-Williston Road in Woodville Township.
S'ville sends old vehicles, equipment to auction block The Times of Northwest Indiana
SCHERERVILLE | Firetrucks, computers, cell phones and old police squad cars will be up for grabs on Saturday at Schererville's town auction.
Online news and information for the Rhinelander region Rhinelander Daily News
TURTLE LAKE, Wis. - Edwin E. Nehls, who previously served as Dodge County sheriff for 10 years, was killed in a car accident Sunday, his son said. He was 73.
Watch The Morning Clickcast The Boston Channel
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Tuesday Morning 5Cast KOCO 5 Oklahoma City
Our online newscast provides the day's major headlines, weather forecast and a look ahead at the stories we're following at Eyewitness News 5.
For The Record: Quick News On Beyonce, U2, Green Day, Michael Jackson, Bobby Brown, Will.I.Am & More MTV Music Television
A copyright-infringement suit accusing Beyoncé of borrowing lyrics from songwriter Jennifer Armour to write "Baby Boy" has been dismissed. A judge ruled that "Baby Boy" and Armour's track are "substantially dissimilar."

Auctions: Government Police Auto Car Auctions
Register for auto auctions to buy a car or a truck for as low as $500. Receive a catalog of auctions and get auction tips.
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Don't forget the typical 5-10% buyers premium at police car auctions as well. Since the auction house sets the minimum bid, you know it's really going to be
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Police & Government Cars $200. Get access to nationwide seized database. Police Auto Auctions - All makes and models including: BMW's, Lexus, Hondas, and.
police sales programme. Car & Van Auctions. Accident Exchange For more information on Police car and van sales at BCA, simply contact the BCA branch
Public Auto Auction - Every Wednesday at 6pm
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American Government Car Auctions & Police Auto Auction Directory
Police & Government Cars $200. Get access to nationwide seized database. Police Auto Auctions - All makes and models including: BMW's, Lexus, Hondas, and.
police sales programme. Car & Van Auctions. Accident Exchange For more information on Police car and van sales at BCA, simply contact the BCA branch
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Provides auctions for various vehicle types including classic car, sports car and commercial vehicles. Also has buying and selling guidelines.
Public Auto Auction - Every Wednesday at 6pm
Get information about Dealer and Government Used Car Auctions; Learn about Wholesale Dealer, Salvage and Police Auto Auctions
Yahoo! Auctions - Mercury police car auction in Collectible condition
Yahoo! Auctions - Bid on this auction Mercury police car today! or List similar new or used auction for FREE!
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Government Auctions Guide - Government Auctions & Police Auctions
Buy all types of Seized and Surplus items at government and police auctions for rock-bottom prices. Auctions of Real Estate, Autos, Electronics, Jewelry,
Guardian Unlimited Money | Cash clinic | Move over eBay - this is
It holds two auctions a month of "well-maintained" used police vehicles, with the next on February 9. Before going in for sale, the police strip the car of

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