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Wednesday October 4, 2006 By Mike Dillon The New Zealand Herald
The owners of Pentane have rejected out of hand an offer from Australia of $1 million for 49 per cent of the horse.
Blog commentary: Daily American
"It was supposed to rain all evening. But enough prayers went up, the rain stopped, and Saturday night's OKC entertainment was spectacular! In West Frankfort, coal will always be king, but there's no reason we can't have a hotdog celebration to boot."
Don’t legalize torture of prisoners La Crosse Tribune
The Bush administration plans to push forward a bill to allow “special” interrogation techniques of terrorist suspects retroactive back to 2001, and commission military tribunals to try suspects in secret.
The Daily American wants to hear from you! What's on your mind southern Illinois? new slate September 14 Daily American
re: re:thanks wrote on September 24, 2006 2:57 PM : " Well mainly we are looking for a well lit place because, most of us work jobs during the day on the weekends and must hang out after dark. The park would not be that bad if it had more lights around it.
Philadelphia real estate transactions The Philadelphia Inquirer
These transactions, recorded Feb. 3 to Feb. 10, are compiled from information on file with the City of Philadelphia. They represent sales of $78,000 or more.
Handle Records, Rights and Long Tail Economies D-Lib Magazine
(This Opinion piece presents the opinions of the author. It does not necessarily reflect the views of D-Lib Magazine or the Corporation for National Research Initiatives.)
Why such hateful Web comments? La Crosse Tribune
By MATTHEW LUSK | Las Vegas, Nev. As I read the online version of the La Crosse Tribune as a former resident of your area, I cannot help but make an observation and ask a question.
Oklahoma State Basketball Schedule SportingNews.com
STILLWATER, Okla. -- Here is Oklahoma State's 2006-07 basketball schedule that was announced on Thur
Oklahoma State Basketball Schedule NewsChannel 10 Amarillo

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