'Chicago Manual of Style' Moves Online The Book Standard
Grammar geeks, style sticklers and confused writers will be able to access The Chicago Manual of Style online starting tomorrow, the New York Times reported. A subscription to the online manual for individuals will cost $25 for the first year and $30 thereafter; the print version retails for $55.
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Ex-Manual kid keeps DPS chief in hot seat Rocky Mountain News
The thorn in the side of Denver Public Schools Superintendent Michael Bennet on the closure of Manual High School is no longer a group of black ministers calling for his head but rather a spiky-haired kid named Ricky Escobedo.
http://www.copernic.com Information Today
Source: Mamma.com, Inc. The Chicago Manual of Style Debuts Online A fully searchable version of The Chicago Manual of Style ( http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html ) is now available on the Web for an individual subscription fee of $30 per year; the introductory price is $25 per year.
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Re Monday's "How to Say" -ch as in church, I understand.but -ny as in manual, i don't get! EX-plain pl-EASE! Ed S, London, UK Re Marriage in 20s 'is a good idea' . Well I suppose spreading the cost of a wedding between 20 couples or more will make it much cheaper overall for those involved.
Arbiter of Grammar and Style Goes Online New York Times
Starting tomorrow, the Chicago Manual of Style will be available online by subscription, freeing users to consult it ?on the fly.?
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