SUSAN TOMPOR: Auto scam steals your money and good credit Detroit Free Press
Now, here's a fast-cash deal destined to make fast trouble. Auto lenders tell me there's a nationwide scam in which consumers are being enticed to take out a car loan -- or maybe two or three -- for someone else as a way to make quick money.
Patricia Woertz, the Outsider CNN Money
Auto-racing legend Mario Andretti has met his share of corporate bigwigs over the years - though none, he says, quite as memorable as Patricia Woertz. The suits usually ask him the same questions as the fans: What was your scariest wreck? What's it like to be one of only two drivers to win both the Daytona 500 and the Indianapolis 500? And just how frustrating were all those losses at Le Mans?
Finance Express Acquires DealTrace PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Finance Express, which operates the first online auto finance platform specifically designed for the independent dealer, today announced that it has acquired Compusolutions, Inc.
Online retailing widens its net Sydney Morning Herald
E-trade newcomers are finding new ways to use the medium, reports Lia Timson. -
BUSINESS IN BRIEF Contra Costa Times
AROUND THE NATION Gaming BRITISH ONLINE GAMBLING SHARES FALL: Shares in British online gambling companies, including Sportingbet PLC and PartyGaming PLC, dived Monday after the U.S. Congress passed legislation prohibiting the use of credit cards, checks and electronic fund transfers for online gaming.
OEConnection and ADP Dealer Services Form Alliance to Provide Integration for Auto Dealership Services SYS-CON Media
OEConnection LLC, a leader in e- commerce parts exchange and analysis solutions for the automotive original equipment replacement parts business, announced a strategic alliance with The Dealer Services Group of Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (ADP), a leading provider of dealer management systems (DMS) to car and truck dealerships. OEConnection and ADP have agreed to develop and deploy
Wisconsin Briefing Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Oshkosh Truck, UAW ratify contractOshkosh Truck Corp. and United Auto Workers Local 578 ratified a contract that affects about 1,500 union workers. The contract runs through Sept. 30, 2011, and was approved by 88% of the union membersh
OEConnection and ADP Dealer Services Form Alliance to Provide Integration for Auto Dealership Services PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
OEConnection LLC, a leader in e- commerce parts exchange and analysis solutions for the automotive original equipment replacement parts business, announced a strategic alliance with The Dealer Services Group of Automatic Data Processing, Inc. , a leading provider of dealer management systems to car and truck dealerships.
Street-fight DVD creates buzz online The Columbus Dispatch
The word girl is emblazoned in pink block letters across the back of the young woman’s black shirt, but the rapid-fire punches she’s throwing on camera are far from girlish.
China refuses WTO panel probe into auto parts People's Daily
China has refused a request from the World Trade Organization (WTO) panel to allow a probe into its rules on auto part imports, sought by the United States, the European Union and Canada on Thursday.
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