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Climbing back from bad credit Post-Star
Cordelia Ellery's nightmare began at 7:30 one bone-chilling morning last February when she spent the entire commute from Argyle to Malta praying her 1996 Plymouth Breeze wouldn't choose that workday to guzzle its last quart of oil.
1979 Lincoln Continental Mark V from North America Carsurvey.org
What things have gone wrong with the car? Nothing more than a few oil leaks, the general fit and finish isn't superb, but isn't terrible either. Rust is the only big problem, but can be sanded out with ease.
1997 Cadillac Seville SLS from North America Carsurvey.org
What things have gone wrong with the car? 1997 Cadillac Seville SLS. I traded in a perfectly good (wonderful actually) Toyota Avalon to buy the Seville when with 27,000 miles on the odometer and it was 5 years old.
1994 Nissan Quest XE from North America Carsurvey.org
What things have gone wrong with the car? 3 radios in the first 20,000 miles. Brake lights keep failing, along with 3rd brake light bulb. Front lights secured by piece of plastic which has broken.
One Page Annotated WSJ Summary, Monday Sept. 25 SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance
Summary of this morning's Wall Street Journal with comments on related stocks.
12 myths about credit reports Bankrate.com via Yahoo! Finance
When it comes to credit information, what you think you know that isn't true can really hurt you.
Top 10 car buying mistakes Bankrate.com via Yahoo! Finance
Opening your heart and mouth to an auto salesman is roughly akin to opening your bank account. Here are the most common mistakes you can make.
Bad loans at RP banks dip in July ABS-CBNNEWS.com
Bad loans held by commercial banks fell to 7.17 percent of total loans at the end of July from 7.22 percent in June and 9.54 percent a year earlier, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) said on Tuesday.
Bankers, regulators clash over real-estate lending Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
BAITING HOLLOW, N.Y. -- Federal regulators are trying to hit the brakes on commercial real-estate lending. That annoys Bradley Rock, the chief executive officer of Smithtown Bancorp Inc.
Stock Guy David Harris Talks About Carmakers - VIDEO NEWS STORY The Auto Channel
NEW YORK - September 5, 2006: David Herro, Harris Associates, analyzes the financial woes and goes in the auto world. CLICK BELOW to watch the story.

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