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Argentina Orders Companies to Import Diesel to Cover Shortages Bloomberg.com
Oct. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Argentina ordered oil companies including Repsol YPF SA and Petrobras SA to import diesel fuel to cover shortages that have caused farmers to delay plantings of crops such as corn and soybeans, said Ernesto Ambrosetti, chief economist for the country's biggest farmers association.
Indian Oil, Petronas to set up LPG import terminal Reuters via Yahoo! Asia News
NEW DELHI, Oct 3 (Reuters) - A joint venture between Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. (IOC) and Malaysia's Petronas [PETR.UL ] will set up a liquefied petroleum gas import terminal in south India, IOC's chairman said on Tuesday.
South Africa: Puzzle of Import Parity Pricing AllAfrica.com
THE current focus of the trade and industry department on import parity pricing (IPP) is simply wrong. For two reasons. First, the department has declared war on a pricing practice that has no proven adverse economic effects.
Import Tuner Challenge Xbox 360 CNET
Import Tuner Challenge does few things right and faces stiff competition from other racing games, but if you sink enough time into it, it can grow on you.
Govt leaves edible oil import prices unchanged Yahoo! India News
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India has left the base import prices of all edible oils unchanged, a government Web site said on Tuesday.
RP to import 3 million kilos of chicken INQ7.net
FOR THE first time in three years, the Philippines will import about three million kilos of dressed chicken to augment poultry supply after a number of livestock farms were destroyed by Typhoon Milenyo (international codename: Xangsane), officials said.
Russia will not resume import of railway engine parts from Georgia Itar-Tass
URALSK, Kazakhstan, October 3 (Itar-Tass) -- The Russian Railways Company (RZD) has no intention to change its mind in the near future to resume the import of spare parts for railway engines from Georgia.
Sting in rag import tail Mail and Guardian
South Africa has handed over a key trading weapon in its arsenal to China as part of the controversial agreement to get the country to agree to import quotas on a range of clothing items.
Chicken meat import law review prompts health concerns Australian Broadcasting Corporation
A peak poultry group says important human health concerns have been ignored in a review of the laws governing chicken meat imports. Biosecurity Australia released a draft import risk analysis into imports in June.
SIUE to host seminar on import/export rules Belleville News-Democrat
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville's International Trade Center will present a seminar later this month about recent international trade regulations.

International trade Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Risk of cancellation or non-renewal of export or import licences; War risks; Risk of expropriation or confiscation of the importer's company
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Export-Import Bank suppor the financing of US goods and services, turning export opportunities into real transactions, maintaining and creating more US
Import Export Business & International Trade Leads – FITA Global
Import Export Business & International Trade Leads – FITA Global Trade Leads.
trade.gov Import Administration
Safeguardes American industries and jobs from unfair trade practices.
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The import task may only be used as a top-level task. So if I import for example a docsbuild.xml file named builddocs, that contains a "docs" target,
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