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Business: Cheat, cheat, always beat The Nashua Telegraph
WASHINGTON – For every video game, there's a Steve Graves. - By JOSE ANTONIO VARGAS The Washington Post
And the grad students most likely to cheat are The Sun Daily
BOSTON: Graduate business students in the United States and Canada are more likely to cheat on their work than their counterparts in other academic fields, the author of a research paper said on Wednesday (Sept 20, 2006).
For fee or free, cheats unlock video games Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune
For every video game, there's a Steve Graves. Graves is a self-described "professional cheater." Today's games are anything but easy, the 24-year-old will tell you. And to get through the intricate, challenging, mind-numbing levels of "City of Heroes" and "The Godfather," two games he's currently stuck on, he needs help. "I cheat on all the games I play," Graves says proudly. Here's the ugly,
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories Preview EuroGamer
They're in evidence right away in our demo, which locks our Rockstar handler into the broad shoulders of Vic Vance - Lance Vance out of the first game's 28 year-old brother - who's been kicked out of the army for a bit and finds himself reluctantly thrust into a life of crime.
Film Listings San Francisco Bay Guardian
Film listings are edited by Cheryl Eddy. Reviewers are Robert Avila, Kimberly Chun, Michelle Devereaux, Susan Gerhard, Max Goldberg, Dennis Harvey, Johnny Ray Huston, Jonathan L. Knapp, Laurie Koh, Lynn Rapoport, Jason Shamai, and Chuck Stephens. The film intern is Sara Schieron.
Gamers get easy answers NorthJersey.com
For every video game, there's a Steve Graves. Graves is a self-described "professional cheater." Today's games are anything but easy, the 24-year-old will tell you.
Video-game cheaters ever prosper Honolulu Advertiser
For every video game, there's a Steve Graves.

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