'Grand Theft Auto,' driving the dark side of video games PhysOrg
Since its debut in 1998, top-selling video game franchise "Grand Theft Auto" has been accused of being an evil force driving crime sprees, ual deviance and health woes.
Take a Second Look at Take-Two Interactive SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance
Faisal Laljee submits: Take-Two Interactive has been the bad boy of the video gaming industry and has been punished severely over the last year for its adulterous indiscretions in Grand Theft Auto and the options scandal.
Earlier this year, EA first released their Grand Theft Auto homage, The Godfather , based upon the legendary film of the same name, on current-gen platforms to solid reviews - nobody was willing to put it in the same class as GTA , but nobody was willing to toss it aside like so many other EA licensed products.
Crime and Public Safety 9-30-06 Daily Bulletin
Deputies arrested three teenagers on suspicion of grand theft auto at Desert Trails Elementary School in Adelanto on Thursday, according to a San Bernardino County sheriff's news release.
Yakuza could end up an instant classic Wisconsin State Journal
Someday, when they throw together the Great Genealogy Chart of Gaming, Grand Theft Auto is going to occupy a honored place worthy of the biblical Jacob (or maybe ex NBA-er Shawn Kemp). The massive shadow of GTA's free- form game play is probably going to blot out Shenmue, the groundbreaking Dreamcast game that had the whole run around-and-do-weird-things schtick down a year before GTA 3 rocked
'Grand Theft Auto' publisher weathers storm The York Dispatch
NEW YORK -- Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. is rather battered with regulatory and legal woes, skeptics on Wall Street and critics of its violent video games.
A 'Survivor' for Gaming? CNN Money
The video game industry is taking a page out of TV's script.
UK Chart - 30/09/06 Games Asylum
Aaaaaand there it is. FIFA 07. Top of the chart. We can all go home now. 01 [--] FIFA 07 02 [02] Just Cause 03 [03] Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 04 [01] Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy 05 [--] Kingdom Hearts II 06 [04] LMA Manager 2007 07 [--] Company Of Heroes 08 [05] Cars 09 [09] The Godfather 10 [06] Dr Kawashima's Brain Training 11 [26] Project Gotham Racing 3 12 [10] New Super Mario Bros.
Police shoot man in stop of stolen car St. Petersburg Times
Authorities say the driver, who has a lengthy rap sheet, accelerated toward officers.
Changing the way video games are made CNN Money
The days of the Saturday matinee may have long faded from the local cinema, but they could be rising again in the world of video games like "Half-Life 2" and "Halo."
Grand Theft Auto III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Main article: List of characters in Grand Theft Auto III Grand Theft Auto 3 Information (based on early pre-release game publications). GOURANGA!
Grand Theft Auto (series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2.1 Grand Theft Auto 1 series; 2.2 Grand Theft Auto 2 series; 2.3 Grand Theft Auto III series; 2.4 Grand Theft Auto IV series. 3 Time periods of GTA games
Rockstar Games
Publishers of such game franchises as Grand Theft Auto, Midnight Club, Max Payne, Smuggler's Run, Manhunt, and Red Dead Revolver.
Xbox.com | Product Detail - Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy
The compilation features Grand Theft Auto 3, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas together for the first time as a complete
Grand Theft Auto III FAQs - Grand Theft Auto III Walkthroughs
Grand Theft Auto III Guides - GameFAQs brings you in-depth Grand Theft Auto III FAQs as well as Grand Theft Auto III walkthroughs that can get you back on
Grand Theft Auto (series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2.1 Grand Theft Auto 1 series; 2.2 Grand Theft Auto 2 series; 2.3 Grand Theft Auto III series; 2.4 Grand Theft Auto IV series. 3 Time periods of GTA games
Xbox.com | Product Detail - Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy
The compilation features Grand Theft Auto 3, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas together for the first time as a complete
Grand Theft Auto III FAQs - Grand Theft Auto III Walkthroughs
Grand Theft Auto III Guides - GameFAQs brings you in-depth Grand Theft Auto III FAQs as well as Grand Theft Auto III walkthroughs that can get you back on
Planet Grand Theft Auto - Maps, News, Cheats, Downloads
The Sony PlayStation 3 20GB version has been cut in price from around $500 to about $410 for Japan only. Grand Theft Auto IV is due out on it and the XBOX
IGN: Grand Theft Auto III Cheats, Codes and Cheat Codes
IGN Cheats is the ultimate resource for Grand Theft Auto III cheats featuring cheats, codes, walkthroughs, hints, full guides, faqs and cheat codes
Grand Theft Auto 3 cheats, codes, hints, FAQs: Sony PlayStation2
Cheats, codes, hints, and FAQs for Grand Theft Auto 3 (PlayStation2).
Amazon.com: Grand Theft Auto III: Computer & Video Games
Amazon.com: Grand Theft Auto III: Computer & Video Games.
Grand Theft Auto III for PS2 - Grand Theft Auto III Playstation 2
Grand Theft Auto III for PS2 - GameSpot offers reviews, previews cheats and more. Count on us for all of the latest on the Grand Theft Auto III Playstation