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New look for Hidden Valley home Reno Gazette-Journal
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Sparks home has a few upgrades Reno Gazette-Journal
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Lake Tahoe home hides among the lakeside rocks Reno Gazette-Journal
By Sean M. Grady
Santa Maria Ranch Reno Gazette-Journal
Custom homes among first in Dayton development
Around the Valley Montrose Daily Press
MONTROSE — A forum for county and district candidates will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday, Oct. 9 at the Montrose Pavilion. Questions will be taken from the audience. The forum is sponsored by the League of Women Voters.
Let me introduce you to my house The Morning Call
Beach homes have whimsical names given by affectionate owners, | MapQuest won't be able to find it. The mail carrier may ignore it. But who wouldn't want to be invited to Wit's End, Best Rx or even a place called Somewhere?
Piecing together the past The Cincinnati Post
Deadlines are the great motivator. As 16 riverboats are churning water to meet up Wednesday at the Tall Stacks Music, Arts & Heritage Festival, Paul and Fran Blasing of Newport have butterflies churning in their midsections as they give an all-out effort to finish some house projects in time for a Tall Stacks-weekend house tour.
Richland landmark recalls founder of Pittsburgh Cut Flower Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Many neighborhoods have a landmark -- one house that everyone in town knows. In Richland, that distinction could go to the red-brick mansion at 4171 Bakerstown Road.
Real Estate The Chapel Hill News
Light it up! The Salay's house was designed with large windows orientated to the south to heat their main room, which contains a kitchen, dining area and living room.
Slide show: ASID Design Award winners Orange County Register
Chic and sleek: ASID Design Award Winners of interior-design competition reflect O.C. shift toward lofty, contemporary look.

Fireplace Glass Door - Fireplaces & Accessories - Compare Prices
Fireplace Glass Door - 166 results like the MONESSEN Fireplaces and Fireboxes Bifold Glass Door 36" Models - GD36, MONESSEN Fireplaces and Fireboxes Bifold
Fireplace Doors- Firescreens-Fireplace Glass Door 1 877 742-3473
Fireplace Glass Doors, Fireplace Doors, Fireplace Screens, Custom Fireplace Doors Portland Willamette Firecreens.
Fireplace Glass Doors | Fireplace Doors
Woodland Direct specializes in Fireplace Glass Doors - Custom, New or Replacement. Over 25 years of fireplace and chimney experience.
Fireplace Door Choices for JUCA Fireplaces
Sometimes people want to not only put glass doors on a fireplace to keep from losing heat up the chimney but they also want to get more heat, too!
Energy - Fireplace Accessories and Inserts
Glass doors and fireplace covers are also ways to reduce heat loss from a Fireplace doors should be kept clean. Glass that is darkened by soot and

Fireplace Glass Doors | Fireplace Doors
Woodland Direct specializes in Fireplace Glass Doors - Custom, New or Replacement. Over 25 years of fireplace and chimney experience.
Fireplaces | Fireplace Chimneys | Chimney Caps | Fireplace Doors
and Fireplace Doors - Custom, New or Replacement. Over 25 years of fireplace and chimney experience. Fireplace Glass Doors Fireplace Glass Doors
Fireplace Door Choices for JUCA Fireplaces
Sometimes people want to not only put glass doors on a fireplace to keep from losing heat up the chimney but they also want to get more heat, too!
Energy - Fireplace Accessories and Inserts
Glass doors and fireplace covers are also ways to reduce heat loss from a Fireplace doors should be kept clean. Glass that is darkened by soot and
Fireplace Door - Home & Garden - Compare Prices, Reviews and Buy
Fireplace Door - 1118 results like the MONESSEN Fireplaces and Fireboxes Bifold Glass Door 36" Models - GD36, Napoleon Decorative Door Kit w/ Screen
Fireplace Doors of tempered glass made by Thermo-Rite
Fireplaces Now carries Thermo-Rite fireplace glass doors in bi-fold or full swing models at low wholesale prices with free shipping.
Glass Fireplace Doors. Custom Replacement Doors For Fireplaces.
New and replacement fireplace glass doors available in standard and custom sizes. NorthlineExpress carries Thermo-Rite fireplace doors for masonry and
Glass Fireplace Doors by Design Specialties, Inc.
Manufacturer of glass fireplace doors, enclosures, screens and accessories for the hearth. Includes a dealer locator.

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