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Events Calendar BendBulletin.com
Oct. 21-22 - New Bend Baseball School is a two-day baseball skills development camp for third- through eighth-graders. Camp is from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. each day, with registration at Bend High School's main gym beginning at 7:45 a.m. Cost: $60 for both days, $40 for one day, includes T-shirt.
The Complete Guide To: One-Day Hikes Belfast Telegraph
WHY JUST ONE DAY? Whether you are climbing Mount Sinai (Egypt's highest mountain), or merely tackling a stretch of the Thames Path, a one-day hike can be immensely rewarding.
It's not hard to be a happy camper Louisville Courier-Journal
At least 55 million Americans went camping more than once in 2004, according to the National Sporting Goods Association. For families leading hectic lives, it offers a chance to unplug and unwind.
Forest stewardship plan in Moretown moves forward Valley Reporter
A forest stewardship plan for about 175 acres of public land in Moretown is in the works, town officials say, with the project to be completed by the spring of 2007.
HENRICO COUNTY / Progressive Ideas Deliver Student Laptops, Land Development RedNova
By Olympia Meola The future of historic eastern Henrico County is a hot topic. The county is in the midst of updating its Comprehensive Plan, which will help guide future development.
Voters to decide search and rescue levy Lake County Leader & The Advertiser
Voters will have a chance to decide whether to fully fund both the Swan Valley and Lake County Search and Rescue operations on the November ballot, which, if passed, would provide a substantial amount of operating money for the two agencies.
Fields of danger Orange County Register
Following a mysterious couple's footsteps leads to an odd peace after the realization that armed strangers were operating a pot farm in a public park.
Dimondale dam comes down Lansing State Journal
DIMONDALE - The earthen dam that has spanned the Grand River in Dimondale for nearly 100 years is vanishing into history.
FANTASTIC GARAGE SALE - 22 Greenwood Cr., Garafraxa Woods. Saturday, September Orangeville Citizen
FANTASTIC GARAGE SALE - 22 Greenwood Cr., Garafraxa Woods. Saturday, September 30/06. Please come & browse, there’s something for everyone.j28og GARAGE SALE - Saturday, Sep-tember 30th, 8 am to 12 noon. Household items, artwork, baby items, children’s outdoor playsets, toys, games, books, and more.
Dimondale dam comes down Eaton Rapids Community News
DIMONDALE - The earthen dam that has spanned the Grand River in Dimondale for nearly 100 years is vanishing into history. The dam is being removed this week and replaced by a W-shaped weir, a structure made of large rocks that will stabilize the river and create new recreational opportunities.

Equipment Used For Hiking - Equipment You'll Need to Ensure an
EquipmentUsedForHiking.com details hiking equipment that you will need for an interesting, comfortable excursion. Though pack as lightly as possible,
NWsource: Classified listings for used furniture, antiques
open menu Business stuff & equipment Aviation charters, leasing & rentals · Bicycles · Boat charters, leasing & rentals · Camping & hiking equipment
Canadian Mountain Holidays | Heli-Hiking - Hiker's Waiver
EQUIPMENT: equipment used for hiking and mountaineering may fail. The equipment used in hiking and mountaineering may include, but is not limited to, ropes,
Classifieds to sell surplus inventory, components, spare parts
equipment used for fishing equipment used for soccer equipment used for softball used video equipment used test equipment equipment used for hiking used
Used skates, The Skaters Junk Yard. Used skating equipment and
Used skating equipment for inline, ice and quad skating. used hockey equipment, used camping equipment, used hiking equipment, used snow shoes,

Canadian Mountain Holidays | Heli-Hiking - Hiker's Waiver
EQUIPMENT: equipment used for hiking and mountaineering may fail. The equipment used in hiking and mountaineering may include, but is not limited to, ropes,
Classifieds to sell surplus inventory, components, spare parts
equipment used for fishing equipment used for soccer equipment used for softball used video equipment used test equipment equipment used for hiking used
Used skates, The Skaters Junk Yard. Used skating equipment and
Used skating equipment for inline, ice and quad skating. used hockey equipment, used camping equipment, used hiking equipment, used snow shoes,
Free Content: Mountain Hiking Tips, Mountain Trekking Gear
Your mountain hiking equipment becomes a more important consideration the sleeping bags, camping tents, and other equipment used for hiking rated for
Hiking and Backpacking - Hiking and Backpacking.com
Hiking and backpacking info and where to find the best deals on outdoor gear. really want to save some money on outdoor gear, try buying used equipment.
Hiking Equipment
Hiking equipment and more specifically what to take and what not to take on a As this site is used by hikers from all over the world, I would welcome
Camping Gear, Used Travel Trailers and Hiking Equipment for
Offers outdoor gear and apparel for camping, hiking, and kayaking.
Clothing and Equipment for hiking a French Grande Randonnee trail
Boots, a pack and other equipment for walking in France. Campingaz stove (which we used to cook ravioli, yuck!) hiking boots sport sandals

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