New license law for teens Louisville Courier-Journal
Teenagers seeking driver's licenses must now wait at least a year instead of six months to get full driving privileges under a law that took effect Sunday.
Car and Driver acceleration times for 335i sedan and coupe are incorrect. AutoSpies.com
Car and Driver acceleration times for 335i sedan and coupe are incorrect.
Driver, know thy car The News Journal
Just like the cars themselves, conventional wisdom about cars can be easy to start, run for years, then die a long, slow, agonizing death.
1973 Fiat 125 SPECIAL from South Africa Carsurvey.org
What things have gone wrong with the car? Driver seat have started to wear. Excessive abuse cracked the diff. General comments?
SDI Reclocker features 4:1 input multiplexer. ThomasNet
Supporting standard-definition and high-definition SDI data transmission, Model LMH0056 multi-rate video reclocker automatically recovers data and clock signals from incoming SDI streams. Unit consumes 350 mW of power from single 3.3 V supply and operates at serial data rates of 143 and 270 Mbps, and 1.4835 and 1.485 Gbps. Available in 48-pin LLP® package, reclocker offers 0.6 unit intervals of
Software delivers key fleet performance trends. ThomasNet
Utilizing dashboard and scheduled reporting features, XATANET 3.2 transforms and delivers real-time performance information throughout enterprise in interactive, exception-based format. Interface and tools help identify and resolve exception conditions, measure fleet performance, monitor fleet operations, and perform detailed drill-down analysis when required. Software allows users to schedule
Cutting disaster down to size Computer Weekly
Most smaller companies are aware of the need to plan for contingencies. Fewer have converted concern into workable plans. Helen Beckett looks at some practical approaches
Recent accidents raise concerns about quality of vehicle inspections Bangor Daily News
Bangor Daily News reporter Nok-Noi Hauger rode with the vehicle owner and witnessed the vehicle inspections.
Tips for Tire Safety Wellsville Daily Reporter
(ARA) - You may not give a lot of thought to your tires, but consider this: The average area of the "footprint" of a tire in contact with the road is similar to the bottom of an average man's shoe sole - and the entire weight of your vehicle and its contents is supported by the tire and air inside the tire.
Symphoniq Announces TrueView J2EE Diagnostics for JBoss Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
PALO ALTO, Calif.----Symphoniq® Corporation, which provides application performance management software for Web applications and services, today announced the extension of the TrueView J2EE Diagnostics software suite to include management for the popular JBoss open source Java application server platform.
The Online Study Guide for Student Drivers
An interactive and graphical online Driver's Manual for Student Drivers, studying for the Learners Permit or getting ready to take the Road Test for their
PENNDOT Driver and Vehicle Services - Driver's Manual
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Driver and Vehicle Services Website.
DMV: Driver's Manual
Driver's Manual Abstract: The State of Connecticut Driver's Manuals The DMV provides driver's manuals with all the graphics and illustrations featured in
California Driver Handbook - Master Table of Contents
The Department of Motor Vehicles enhances traffic safety through the testing and monitoring of drivers; protects identity by ensuring the integrity of DMV's
Florida Driver Handbook
State rules, regulations, and licensing requirements from Florida's Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.
DMV: Driver's Manual
Driver's Manual Abstract: The State of Connecticut Driver's Manuals The DMV provides driver's manuals with all the graphics and illustrations featured in
California Driver Handbook - Master Table of Contents
The Department of Motor Vehicles enhances traffic safety through the testing and monitoring of drivers; protects identity by ensuring the integrity of DMV's
Florida Driver Handbook
State rules, regulations, and licensing requirements from Florida's Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.
Driver Manuals
The Open Directory Project now has its own list of driver manual links at http://dmoz.org/Kids_and_Teens/Teen_Life/Driver's_Education/Manuals/ .
Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles :: Driver Manual
Rules of the road and state licensing information from the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
Minnesota Driver's Manual
Rules of the road and state licensure requirements from the Minnesota Driver and Vehicle Services.
Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
Virginia Driver's Manual. You may also obtain a copy of the Virginia Driver's Manual from any DMV customer service center. If you are in high school or
Colorado Driver Handbook
Available in Spanish and English from the Colorado Motor Vehicle Division.