Xstrata rises in London after detailing fund plans; FTSE down Market Watch
LONDON (MarketWatch) -- Shares in Xstrata gained ground in London on Tuesday after the mining company said it intends to raise $5.5 billion to help refinance a $7 billion facility used to buy Canadian miner Falconbridge.
Mom's stories touch the heart Wisconsin State Journal
From 1956 to 1976, Madison author Jean Willett wrote her mother a series of letters, detailing her life and her gratitude to "Mom," and she has now compiled those letters in a book, "Dear Mom: Why Raising Four Boys Was Neither Boring Nor Monotonous" (Goblin Fern Press: $16.95).
Mazda RX-8 PZ competition ITV.com
A diary detailing all the drama from the final of ITV Sport's Mazda RX-8 PZ competition.
S&T Bancorp to Webcast Third Quarter Earnings Conference Call PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Officials of S&T Bancorp, Inc. announced today that they plan to broadcast a conference call detailing the company's third quarter 2006 earnings live over the Internet at 4:00 p.m.
OSU scores high on ual health survey Corvallis Gazette Times
Last spring, 500 Oregon State University students packed a lecture hall for a class about “Sex and the City,†the popular HBO series detailing the mating and dating habits of four New York City women.
Media Teleconference Oct. 3 on Money and Politics in America's Judicial Elections U.S. Newswire via Yahoo! News
On the heels of a front-page story in Sunday's "New York Times" http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/01/us/01judges.html?_r =3&th&emc=th&oref=slogin&oref= slogin&oref=slogin detailing the role of money and politics in Ohio's Supreme Court elections, Justice at Stake is assembling a teleconference with leading national experts to examine trends in America's state Supreme Court elections on Tuesday,
Ecora Announces PCI Compliance Webinar Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
PORTSMOUTH, N.H.----Ecora Software, the industry's only solution for automating regulatory compliance and best practices reporting for IT Systems Management, today announced an educational, two-part webinar, detailing necessary steps organizations need to comply with for validating IT infrastructure compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards.
MHA launches hospital pricing Web site BizJournals
The Minnesota Hospital Association on Friday launched the first Web site in the state detailing prices at specific hospitals.
Luminous Award Winners Highlight the Importance of Genetic Testing and Pre-Screening for Potential Cancers PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
The Luminous Award was created by Lilly to honor "enlightened, intelligent and inspiring" reporting in the field of oncology. Eli Lilly and Company is proud to present the 2006 Luminous Award to South African journalist Toni Younghusband of Shape magazine for her article entitled "My Chance for Life" detailing a 25 year-old woman's decision to have a double mastectomy following genetic testing
Audio of hit-run arrest revealing The Davis Enterprise
Published Jun 02, 2006 - 14:29:09 CDT. Hear it yourself from the Enterprise web site: There are five separate audio files detailing the Davis Police Department's arrest and interview of Halema Buzayan. To hear them, click on the links below.
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Auto detailing is the practice of performing an extremely thorough cleaning and Elements of detailing include extra polishing steps and the cleaning of
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