Art smarts Metromix.com
Looking for an entrée into Chicago's fabulous and funky art scene? Now's your chance. October is the 11th annual Chicago Artists' Month , so it's the perfect time to get up close and personal with the city's creative culture. Here's where to begin exploring.
Museum Field Trip Leaves Texas Art Teacher out of A Job Common Dreams News Center
Museum Field Trip Leaves Texas Art Teacher out of A Job
More mind-body techniques for everyday life INQ7.net
TINA JUAN - THE simple principle of “relax, focus and breathe†is the foundation of most mind-body disciplines like yoga, Pilates and tai chi.
The body as artistic inspiration The News Journal
NEWARK -- Science and art merged in the 16th century when Michelangelo and Leonardo DaVinci carved away at corpses in secret in the middle of the night.
TERRY LAWSON: 'Body Double' polarized, too Detroit Free Press
The recent release of "The Black Dahlia," Brian De Palma's convoluted and occasionally cracked adaptation of the James Ellroy novel, kicked off an old-fashioned critics' throwdown of the type rarely seen since the '70s. While most reviewers (including this one) dismissed the period piece as further evidence of De Palma's decline and disconnection from movie audiences, a few prominent writers rose
Bikes and body art ride side by side this weekend Reno Gazette-Journal
Motorcycles and tattoos fit like Harley and Davidson.
Body Double Reel.com
(1984) Starring: Craig Wasson , Melanie Griffith Director: Brian De Palma Synopsis: A known peeping Tom is intentionally made a witness to a murder. While investigating the crime, he hooks up with a queen who may provide the key to the killing.
Join us as we celebrate the arrival of our new state of the art Lorad M-IV Platinum Kilgore News Herald
Join us as we celebrate the arrival of our new state of the art Lorad M-IV Platinum Mammography System just in time for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Art calendar Honolulu Advertiser
Children and Youth Day, art activities, dance performances, live entertainment, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. today, Hawai'i State Art Museum lawn; free. 586-0900.
Art teacher strips while giving lecture The Star Online
AN art teacher has caused a stir by taking all his clothes off in front of a class to make a point while giving a lecture. The teacher said he wanted to emphasise the power of the body and “confront taboos.â€
Body Art Web Inc.
website dedicated to body art with interviews with artist piercers and people with body art. tattoo tips, models, and tattoo designs.
Tattoos, Piercing and Body Art Homepage
The starting place for exploring and learning all about tattoos, bodypiercing and all other forms of body art. Find the best resources on the internet about
BodyArt - the decoration of the naked human body
Body Art is a website promoting the Body Painting Art of Carl Johan Rehbinder. As a professional illustrator artist, Carl Johan has expanded his artistry to
Body Art: Marks of Identity | American Museum of Natural History
Body Art: Marks of Identity presents over 600 objects and many images from around the world dating from c. 3000 BC to the present, including superb
Artist information and portfolios. Free flash, FAQ section, contact information, and links. [Durban, South Africa]
BodyArt the decoration of the human body
Body Art is a website promoting the Body Painting Art of Carl Johan Rehbinder. As a professional illustrator artist, Carl Johan has expanded his artistry to
Body Art: Marks of Identity | American Museum of Natural History
Body Art: Marks of Identity presen over 600 objec and many images from around the world dating from c. 3000 BC to the present, including superb
Artist information and portfolios. Free flash, FAQ section, contact information, and links. [Durban, South Africa]
Body Art Help and Information
Bellaonline.com Body Art covers tribal tattooing, nose piercing, body painting, henna recipes, branding, liquid , temporary tattooing and more.
Body art Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More e body art can involve things such as mutilation or pushing the In Western art, body art appears to be a sub-category of performance art,
Open Directory Ar: Bodyart
Body Art: Marks of Identity Exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History. Bodyart Home Page Concentrates largely on tattoo and piercing images,
Google Directory Ar > Bodyart
Information on body art and body modification in Brasil. Information on the annual event where members of rec.ar.bodyart gather to discuss
Body Art Expo ® and Tattoo Expo ® are registered service marks of Mega Productions. Web site and content Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.