Credit Challenged Car Buyers Find Help Online Hope Star
(ARA) - Eighty percent of all Americans have at least one blemish on their credit reports. And a third of all consumers have credit scores so bad that they may have difficulty securing a car loan.
Bad credit results when borrowing for another Bankrate.com via Yahoo! Finance
A reader who good-heartedly but unwisely took out four car loans for someone else, and then defaulted on all of them, gets a cold splash of reality from the Bankruptcy Adviser.
Borrowing for another invites bad credit Bankrate.com
Dear Bankruptcy Adviser, I am presently very heavy in debt (more than $100,000). My problem is really not credit card debt which is approximately 30 percent of my total debt.
Before co-signing on the dotted line protect credit Bankrate.com
Thinking about co-signing a loan for a friend or family member? You might want to do some serious thinking before you take that step. Don't underestimate the possible costs of scribbling your signature on a legal document for the credit impaired.
SUSAN TOMPOR: Auto scam steals your money and good credit Detroit Free Press
Now, here's a fast-cash deal destined to make fast trouble. Auto lenders tell me there's a nationwide scam in which consumers are being enticed to take out a car loan -- or maybe two or three -- for someone else as a way to make quick money.
Easy credit in collge can mean long-term woes The Arizona Republic
Credit card marketers today are as aggressive as ever - just more creative - about reaching students. Some solicit students, by phone or e-mail, and flood their mailboxes with credit-card applications
2001 Pontiac Grand Am SE from North America Carsurvey.org
What things have gone wrong with the car? Fuel pump has had to be replaced twice. Once for breakage and then again because the fuel sensor was not working to indicate correct amount of fuel. This was not due to the bad gas that was in some areas.
Thinking about co-signing a loan? Think again Bankrate.com via Yahoo! Finance
Too many people don't recognize that they could be stuck with paying the debt.
Credit Repair: Beyond the Fair Credit Reporting Act Evening Times
(ARA) - Bad credit can happen to good people. On a day-to-day basis, you can't control all the factors that influence your credit score. What's more, credit reports often contain errors.
Web site connects borrowers, lenders Deseret Morning News
What if you needed to borrow a couple thousand bucks to replace your washer and dryer but didn't want to pay 18 percent interest on a credit card?
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A lot of people call me up and ask, "I got a bad credit. Can I still get a car loan?" But as I suggest in the title that all banks are not created equal.
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Auto Loan: All Banks Are Not Created Equal
A lot of people call me up and ask, "I got a bad credit. Can I still get a car loan?" But as I suggest in the title that all banks are not created equal.
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