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2002 Chevrolet TrailBlazer LXT from North America
I've had the same problems as everyone else with my 2002 Trailblazer, except mine has 110,000 miles. My fan clutch was sounding like a jet engine. The mechanic was stumped, and cleared to P0495 "High Fan Speed" code from the computer which triggered the "Service Engine Soon" light.
2004 Cadillac CTS from North America
What things have gone wrong with the car? Computer fault gas tank. Tires wear after less than 15000 miles.
Sept. 27-Oct. 4, 2006 Seattle Weekly
Who's more noble—Gregory Peck or Harry Dean Stanton?
1996 Chevrolet Cavalier from North America
I own a 1996 2 door z24 cavalier I loved it at first until it needed to be inspected and since then it seems all there has been is problems
Monday, September 18
(CNN) -- Patricia Kennedy Lawford -- the sister of President John F. Kennedy and wife of actor Peter Lawford -- has died, according to a statement provided by the families. She was 82.
2005 Chevrolet Aveo LT from North America
What things have gone wrong with the car? Only gets 16-18 mpg and computer reprogramming failed to fix problem. Rear windshield washer never has worked, despite dealer's claim to have fixed it.
2000 Chevrolet Malibu LX from North America
"A car that was not worth it. Should have bought a better on" What things have gone wrong with the car?
2002 Ford Taurus SE from North America
What things have gone wrong with the car? The passenger seat belt retractor locked up and failed at 44000 miles. It was replaced under warranty. The rear struts and springs have sagged excessively since 50000 miles. Ride height is way below specs. Replaced struts and springs.
1999 Chevrolet Silverado LS from North America
9/12/05 - Same Deal for me. I own a 1999 Silverado with 69500 miles. Bought the truck new 12/98. ABS went out the other day, not only several hundred dollars to fix, but the inconvenience of being without a vehicle until it's fixed.
Foley unarmed when shot in Poway; Officer who fired lives in Escondido North County Times
NORTH COUNTY -- Chargers linebacker Steve Foley was unarmed Sunday morning when he was shot by an off-duty police officer near his Poway home, a Sheriff's Department spokesman said Tuesday.

Information on the Chevrolet Recall
Learn about the Chevrolet recall. Auto Defects. Automobile Manufacturer Recalls and News Chevy 2002 Breaking News. Related Manufacturer:
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Our database of auto recalls, problems, and defects is presented to keep you informed, All auto recalls include recall dates, the component affected,
Chevrolet Recalls | Chevrolet Recall Reports & Chevrolet Car Problems
Cars Everything is your online guide to used cars for sale, vehicle research, new cars, auto price quotes, and more.
Chevrolet Car Recalls | View Chevrolet Recalls, Defects
View Chevrolet car recalls for all vehicle models; choose a new or used car model to view Chevrolet recalls including vehicle problems, defects,
Chevrolet Recalls, Safety Reports, & New Chevrolet Car Problems at
View official NHTSA Chevrolet recall reports of new Chevrolet car problems and defects in the Motor Trend new car buyer’s guide.

Chevrolet Recalls | Chevrolet Recall Reports & Chevrolet Car Problems
Cars Everything is your online guide to used cars for sale, vehicle research, new cars, auto price quotes, and more.
Chevrolet Car Recalls | View Chevrolet Recalls, Defects
View Chevrolet car recalls for all vehicle models; choose a new or used car model to view Chevrolet recalls including vehicle problems, defects,
Chevrolet Recalls, Safety Reports, & New Chevrolet Car Problems at
View official NHTSA Chevrolet recall reports of new Chevrolet car problems and defects in the Motor Trend new car buyer’s guide.
Used Chevrolet Car Recalls & Vehicle Problems at Motor Trend Buyer
View official NHTSA used Chevrolet car recall reports of vehicle problems and defects in the Motor Trend used car buyer’s guide.
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