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Fitch Rates Wachovia Auto Loan Owner Trust 2006-1 'F1+/AAA' FinanzNachrichten
::â–º Fitch Rates Wachovia Auto Loan Owner Trust 2006-1 'F1+/AAA'â—„:: Fitch rates Wachovia Auto Loan Owner Trust 2006-1 as follows: -- $276,000,000 fixed-rate class A-1 asset-backed notes 'F1+';
Fitch Rates Wachovia Auto Loan Owner Trust 2006-1 'F1+/AAA' Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
NEW YORK----Fitch rates Wachovia Auto Loan Owner Trust 2006-1 as follows: $276,000,000 fixed-rate class A-1 asset-backed notes 'F1+'; $469,000,000 fixed-rate class A-2 asset-backed notes 'AAA'; $364,000,000 fixed-rate class A-3 asset-backed notes 'AAA'; $223,000,000 fixed-rate class A-4 asset-backed notes 'AAA'; $57,300,000 fixed-rate class B asset-backed notes 'AA'; $61,000,000 fixed-rate class
Finance Express Acquires DealTrace PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Finance Express, which operates the first online auto finance platform specifically designed for the independent dealer, today announced that it has acquired Compusolutions, Inc.
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For over three years, an adept crew of burglars had perfected the craft of breaking into local businesses. The crew used sledgehammers or other blunt objects to smash through an outside wall of a business. Before entering, the burglars were careful to make sure they had disarmed the alarm system.
Fitch Expects to Rate Wachovia Auto Loan Owner Trust 2006-1 'AAA' FinanzNachrichten
::â–º Fitch Expects to Rate Wachovia Auto Loan Owner Trust 2006-1 'AAA'â—„:: Fitch Ratings expects to rate Wachovia Auto Loan Owner Trust 2006-1 as follows: -- $276,000,000 fixed-rate class A-1 asset-backed notes 'F1+'; -- $469,000,000 fixed-rate
Fitch Expects to Rate Wachovia Auto Loan Owner Trust 2006-1 'AAA' Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
NEW YORK----Sept. 21, 2006--Fitch Ratings expects to rate Wachovia Auto Loan Owner Trust 2006-1 as follows: $276,000,000 fixed-rate class A-1 asset-backed notes 'F1+'; $469,000,000 fixed-rate class A-2 asset-backed notes 'AAA'; $364,000,000 fixed-rate class A-3 asset-backed notes 'AAA'; $223,000,000 fixed-rate class A-4 asset-backed notes 'AAA'; $57,300,000 fixed-rate class B asset-backed notes
Feature and TV Films
* An alphabetical listing of movies on TV the week of Sept. 24-Sept. 30. Absolution (2006) Samantha Mathis. A New York journalist returns to her small hometown to investigate claims of a comatose man who can miraculously heal people. (NR) 1 hr. 36 mins.
The Truth About the "Robber Barons" Ludwig von Mises Institute
Posted on 9/23/2006 [Subscribe at email services , tell others , or Most who use the term "robber barons," writes Tom DiLorenzo, are confused about the role of capitalism in the American economy and fail to make an important distinction — the distinction between what might be called a market entrepreneur and a political entrepreneur.
Feds arrest 11 on charges of selling counterfeit drugs Provo Daily Herald
Florida executes man who had argued that lethal injection is cruel STARKE, Fla. -- A convicted killer who had argued that Florida's use of lethal injections amounted to cruel and unusual punishment was put to death by lethal injection Wednesday night after the U.S.
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When Drew Mouton first saw the red 1996 Porsche 911 Carrera parked with a for-sale sign along the side of the road two years ago, it looked shiny and new, like "the epitome of what a Porsche is supposed to be."

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