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Auto industry's oldtimers recall golden age, mostly The Clarion-Ledger
LANSING, MICH. — As they have for one afternoon each of the past 21 summers now, old autoworkers flock to Moose Lodge 288 on the fringes of this car capital.
Ford retirees, dealers hope to see a bright future Post-Tribune
HOBART -- The future of Ford Motor Co. isn't just the talk of Detroit. Ford retirees gather every Friday at a Hobart McDonald's to ponder their company's future, and recall the company's past.
2002 Buick Rendezvous CXL from North America
We bought a 2002 CXL AWD Rendezvous with 36K miles on it 3 yrs ago - wish this website had been available then!
The Strokes Plan "Secret" Tour Pitchfork
Hot on the heels of Coldplay's recent tour announcement douchebaggery come some new touring shenanigans from the Strokes. Get this: the failed rock saviors have announced some secret shows.
Remembering motor industry's golden age AP via Yahoo! News
It is time once again to journey to the past.
Remembering motor industry's golden age -- but not everything Detroit News
LANSING -- It is time once again to journey to the past.
2003 Nissan Altima S from North America
After returning from another useless trip to the Nissan Service department, I decided to look on the Internet to see if I could find others that experienced the same problems as me. Based on the comments on this site, I see that I am not alone.
Remembering Motor Industry's Golden Age AP via Yahoo! Finance
It is time once again to journey to the past. And so, as they have for one afternoon each of the past 21 summers now, the old autoworkers flock to Moose Lodge 288 on the fringes of this car capital, collecting name tags at the door.
Remembering Motor Industry's Golden Age The Herald-Sun
It is time once again to journey to the past. And so, as they have for one afternoon each of the past 21 summers now, the old autoworkers flock to Moose Lodge 288 on the fringes of this car capital, collecting name tags at the door. For a few, treasured hours, this is an unlikely portal back to a sort of industrial Brigadoon.
Remembering motor industry's golden age _ but not everything Detroit Free Press
It is time once again to journey to the past.

secret warranties and factory bulletins car reports for new and
Auto Recalls Listed Last 30 Days ---------------------------------------- Safety problems usually trigger factory recalls in which all owners of a
Used Car Recalls & Vehicle Problems at Motor Trend Buyer’s Guide
View official NHTSA used car recall reports of vehicle problems and defects in the Motor Trend used car buyer’s guide.
Automotive Recalls And Technical Service Bulletins (TSB's)
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