Modern 'shop' girls:Vocational schools see large increase in female students The Salem News
When Dick Barbeau started teaching at Es Aggie in 1973, there were only two girls in the senior class. This year, girls make up more than 70 percent of the student body - evidence of a trend sweeping vocational schools across the North Shore and the state.
How Do You Say Qi? Ancient Chinese Concept May Be the Cure for Coaches, Consultants and Trainers’ Marketing Woes PR Web
If you are a coach, consultant or trainer and your Marketing Qi is blocked or slow, you are headed for trouble. Most solopreneurs know they have to do something, but with all the marketing hype out there, they simply don’t know where to turn for help. But coach and trainer Ellen Britt, PA, Ed.D. the founder of www.MarketingQi.com aims to change this with the Coaches, Consultants and Trainers
KODA Creative Hooks Health Net PR Web
In September, Health Net signed up with Koda Creative. (PRWEB Sep 26, 2006) Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/zingpr.php/U3F1YS1NYWduLVNpbmctU3VtbS1JbnNlLVplcm8=
2004 Pontiac Vibe Base from North America Carsurvey.org
"Practical wagon at a good price " What things have gone wrong with the car?
Automotive customizing program first in state; classes begin in spring Kinston Free Press
Lenoir Community College is geared up to offer the state’s first and only automotive customizing degree through the business and industry department.
The Most Technical Training Education Offered In CARS History Automotive Service Association
From EVAP systems to hybrids to technology trends, CARS 2006 will offer 12 technical courses for this year's event - the most technical training in CARS history.
Crazy or Confident? Salon Owners Give Away More Than $250,000 With No Strings Attached PR Web
The owners of Beauty Boutique Salon and Retail Center of Huntington Village, N.Y. are currently giving away $250,000. worth of “beauty-bucks†with no obligations and available to anyone through their website at www.beautyboutiquesalon.com. (PRWEB Sep 19, 2006) Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/zingpr.php/TWFnbi1TdW1tLUVtcHQtSG9yci1JbnNlLVplcm8=
American Website Makes It Easy To View Illegal Immigration Statistics PR Web
Similar to the National Debt Clock at Times Square, NYC, eight real-time counters display live totals using the latest government and private organizational data. ImmigrationCounters.com is a source of useful information, which until now, had been difficult to find. The site is not afraid to take on the controversial aspects of illegal immigration and provides reliable statistics, books and links
Spleen May Be Target Of Successful Therapy For Lupus Science Daily
UCSD School of Medicine have found clues that might lead to better treatment of lupus, showing that the spleen is the likely source of cells that are the origin of the disease. Michael Karin, Ph.D., professor pharmacology in UCSD's Laboratory of Gene Regulation and Signal Transduction, led the study to be published online Sept. 14 in advance of publication in the September issue of the journal
RED CROSS Infant Child CPR: Sat-urday, September 23, 9 a.m. or 1 p.m. Public Orangeville Citizen
RED CROSS Infant Child CPR: Sat-urday, September 23, 9 a.m. or 1 p.m. Public Health Office, Orangeville. Register: 1-866-499- 4911 or www.AlphaResponse.ca $35.00.j21o ––o–– BALLROOM CLASSES,now in Orangeville, Listowel and Elora. Beginners and advanced, with or without a partner.
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