Majors Pick Up Piva from Generals OurSports Central
Toronto, Ont. (September 28, 2006) - The St. Michael's Majors have added veteran forward Matt Piva to their line-up. In exchange, they have sent an 8th round pick in 2008 to the Oshawa Generals.
Around the Northwest KXLY-TV Spokane
Suspect in highway shootings had sniper rifles, silencer Prosecutors say an Idaho man, accused of shooting at motorists near Darby last week, was arrested with an arsenal of weapons, including two sniper rifles and a silencer in his vehicle.
9/11: Five years later Canada.com
Afghanistan was once a faraway place, so alien and extraneous to the cares of Canadians that it hardly registered in our consciousness. Through the 1990s, under the medieval shadow of the Taliban, the country's name rarely appeared in our newspapers or crossed our lips.
PR Newswire Summary of Technology Copy, Sept. 6, 2006 SYS-CON Media
Following is a summary of high technology news releases transmitted today by PR Newswire. The full text of these releases is available at the PR Newswire for Journalists, http://media.prnewswire.com/.
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