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Dynacord Cls 222
classic leslie simulator, still the best there is ! has extra drive control fitted and complete with footswitch, user and service manuals. full working
Dynacord CLS 222/22
vends leslie dynacord cls 222/22 ,sampler , synthe 0614691178 http://www.guitariste. com/materiel/effets,dynacord,cls-222-leslie-simulator,3,1259,11930,3162.
CLS 222
Pro / Vintage Audio - DIY. CLS 222. Home | Lundahls | Ne73 Mic Pre | Cap Discharger | Dual Green Dynacord CLS 222 Leslie sim. cls2221.jpg. cls2222.jpg
Sound clips
Dynacord CLS-222 rotating speaker simulator. DEMO RECORDINGS (5.5 MBytes), Sho-Bud (C6) and Nocaster (via the Dynacord CLS-222) through the Vibroclone
Voce Spin II: Harmony Central User Reviews
It does not sound like the other simulators like H&K Rotosphere, Digitech RSP 1 or Dynacord CLS 222. It sounds a little bit like a phaser, but not bad at

CLS 222
Pro / Vintage Audio - DIY. CLS 222. Home | Lundahls | Ne73 Mic Pre | Cap Discharger | Dual Green Dynacord CLS 222 Leslie sim. cls2221.jpg. cls2222.jpg
Sound clips
Dynacord CLS-222 rotating speaker simulator. DEMO RECORDINGS (5.5 MBytes), Sho-Bud (C6) and Nocaster (via the Dynacord CLS-222) through the Vibroclone
Voce Spin II: Harmony Central User Reviews
It does not sound like the other simulators like H&K Rotosphere, Digitech RSP 1 or Dynacord CLS 222. It sounds a little bit like a phaser, but not bad at
diyAudio Forums Archive - Dynacord CLS 222 Leslie Simulator clone
Musical Instruments - Anyone on this forum ever tryed to make a clone of the Dynacord CLS Leslie SimulatorIm wondering if.
::: Dynacord CLS-222 Leslie Simulator: User Reviews
Dynacord CLS-222 Leslie Simulator information and user reviews at, plus hundreds of other effects!
Hammond-Leslie FAQ - Hammond and Leslie Clones
A review of the RPM-1 is contained in the Hammond/Leslie FAQ at:: et/~bbaker/files/rpm1review.html; Dynacord CLS 222: Single rack space
Holiday In Purgatory
Korg CX-3; Dynacord CLS-222; JH Storm Tide Flanger · CS-50 · JH-5 and the modulation from the Dynacord lesley simulator, would also excite a flanger
MIG-LRS Tube Preamp Addendum
Addendum covers installation in a Leslie simulator like the CLS-222 from Dynacord. Installation in other devices is similar. The MIG-LRS has to be inserted

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