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SAGE Advice: Newspaper Ad Space Is a Bargain! Local newspaper ad space might be the biggest media-buy bargain going. Editor and Publisher via Yahoo! News
Local newspaper ad space might be the biggest media-buy bargain going. This is because actual newspaper readership is probably much higher than that suggested by the newspaper audit numbers.
Eriksson Rues Media Intrusion, Would Welcome Premiership Job Bloomberg.com
Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Former England soccer coach Sven- Goran Eriksson said he'd welcome a job with one of the country's top clubs, even though he's at a loss to understand the English media's interest in his private life.
Richard Deitsch: Media Power Rankings Sports Illustrated
Everybody's fighting, and I can't keep up with all the media feuds: Jason Whitlock vs. Mike Lupica. Jason Whitlock vs. Scoop Jackson. Tiki Barber vs. Michael Irvin. Barber vs. Tom Jackson. Tony Kornheiser vs. Tony Kornheiser. (Why no one is fighting with Skip Bayless is anyone's guess). Who knew October was the angriest month. Here's the final scoreboard.
Arroyo urges media ‘responsibility’ for ‘modern RP’ INQ7.net
PRESIDENT Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on Friday called for responsibility as the media’s share towards achieving her vision of a modern Philippines.
Crown Media reports widened loss Kansas City Star
Crown Media Holdings, operator of the Hallmark Channel, saw a wider loss its last quarter, even though it reported higher advertising revenues.
APEC 2006 media center inaugurated in Vietnamese capital People's Daily
Vietnam inaugurated here Friday an international media center slated for the approaching Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, which is expected to draw attendance of some 10,000 people, including heads of states in the region.
NASA Invites Media to STS-116 Countdown Test Activities SpaceRef
News media are invited to NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida to cover activities during the terminal countdown demonstration test set for Nov. 13 to 16 in preparation for the upcoming 12-day mission, designated STS-116, to the International Space Station. Launch is targeted for Dec. 7.
UPDATE - Toyota and Lexus Salute 'Green' Celebrities at the 16th Annual Environmental Media Awards The Auto Channel
TORRANCE, Calif., Nov. 8, 2006 -- Toyota and Lexus are proud to be Presenting Sponsors of the Environmental Media Awards.
'She's still alive': Reps waive rule to name media center in honor of Lyons Stamford Advocate
STAMFORD - Naming a school's media center after Moira Lyons sounded like a simple resolution on Wednesday's Board of Representatives' agenda.
Taipei, Nov. 10 (CNA) Premier Su Tseng-chang accused some media Friday of "blindly fabricating" stories about his Thursday schedule, which included a brief meeting with President Chen Shui-bian and a dinner meeting with lawmakers.

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Mass media - Wikipedia
Con il termine mass media si intendono i mezzi di comunicazione di massa, Per alcuni, i primi mass media sono i libri di testo scolastici, che esistono
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