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Download of the Day: Google Reader Notifier Mac
It matches the style of the Google Notifier for Macs, placing the Google Reader icon in your menu bar with an optional unread count. I've been waiting for something like this ever since I followed Gina in the switch from Bloglines to
Apple Xserve: The final review
It lets you use Target Disk Mode to mount external Macs' local storage as drive volumes, and Xserve can be a Target Disk Mode target for another Mac as well. Its clients are renowned for their silent running, and Mac Pro,
Mac Attack
"My Mac plays mp3's better than a PC," "A Mac's better at playing/writing DVDs than Why is it that Mac users are happy to wave their (unfounded) belief Seriously, I know Mac users that refuse to believe that PC's are capable of
Latest Images of the Sun: Mac OS X Dashboard Widget
Both versions (Yahoo! and Mac Dashboard) show the latest images of the sun from NASA satellites and ground-based observatories. We hope to have some time in the next couple of weeks to do something similar for the Mac version.
Portable Mac Applications - Firefox, Thunderbird, Safari, And More
FreeSMUG (Free OpenSource Software Mac User Group) offers the most popular While I’m not a Mac user I do use a lot of portable software on my flash drive. I do have some encounters with Mac’s every now and again so I think I might
Screenshots of KDE 4 desktop running on Windows XP and Mac OS X
The most popular free and open source Linux desktop KDE will also be able to run on Windows and Mac OS X operating systems when version 4 comes out next year. Here are some screenshots of the development (pre-alpha) version of KDE 4
The Guy Who Plays The Mac was released for the fear of using PCs.
As Spymac reported yesterday, Justin Long, the actor who portrayed the Mac in Apple's recent "Get a Mac" advertisements will no longer be featured in any of Apple's new ads, but his departure from the role of the Mac could be due to his
PC to MAC through Ethernet Crossover cableHelp!!!
My PC shows that it's connected to MAC, but when I tried on my MAC -> GO -> Connect to Server -> smb://manual IP address which is MAC gives me "The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in 'smb://'
http://homepage.mac.com/gregjsmith/Apple%20Computer/iPod%20+%20iTunes/So_Long_Dell. html
I'mA Mac - No, You're Not
Long, known for his role on television's Ed a few years back, as well as roles in movies such as Dodgeball and Herbie: Fully Loaded apparently was just a bit too much of a Mac in the biased ads and the audience sympathized with the PC,

Apple .Mac
Fee-based service, pay for a year at a time. Email, web storage, offsite virtual hard drive, various free tools and files. 60-day free trial available.
MAC Cosmetics
Offering a large selection of makeup, skin care products, and nail care items. Also offering cosmetic accessories.
Portale che offre una panoramica completa sulla piattaforma Mac. Presenti numerosi articoli, news e tutorial in varie sezioni tematiche.
MacProf www.macitynet.it/macprof
FastMac annuncia una scheda di upgrade Bluetooth per Mac Mini. Il sistema di visualizzazione grafico X11 inglobato in Mac OS X guadagna un aggiornamento
Mac Blog
Blog personale con news sul mondo Apple e dintorni.

MAC Cosmetics
Offering a large selection of makeup, skin care products, and nail care items. Also offering cosmetic accessories.
Portale che offre una panoramica completa sulla piattaforma Mac. Presenti numerosi articoli, news e tutorial in varie sezioni tematiche.
MacProf www.macitynet.it/macprof
FastMac annuncia una scheda di upgrade Bluetooth per Mac Mini. Il sistema di visualizzazione grafico X11 inglobato in Mac OS X guadagna un aggiornamento
Mac Blog
Blog personale con news sul mondo Apple e dintorni.
Apple Computer
Apple Computer: il sito degli evangelisti italiani di Macintosh, iMac, iBook, Mac OS X.
Hardware Upgrade Forum - - SOFTWARE & GUIDE Freeware per MAC -
hardware upgrade forum - il sito italiano sulla tecnologia - www.hwupgrade.it - news articoli recensioni dal mondo dell'informatica e della tecnologia,
ilMac.net: dal 1998 il portale Mac italiano
Recensioni, articoli, e-book ed un nutrito numero di link sul mac.
MacExchange: il mercatino dell'usato Apple
Macexchange, dal 1996 il mercatino per il tuo usato Apple.
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