Iraq Press



The joint preparatory committee of the national committee of technology transfer and the standardization and quality control department, and in accordance with president Saddam Hussein's saying ''every Iraqi feels that Iraq is great and he owe it, therefore, he must be creative'', has organized the 2nd exhibition for new Iraqi patents that ran for six days at the premises of Baghdad international fair.

Mrs.Treza, member of the preparatory committee who said, ''this exhibition is the second one as we had organized the first one last year''. She added, ''this exhibition differs from the first in its preparations and also we have added some activities like the discussion of number of researchers during it''.

She said, ''we could see that large number of researchers participating in these discussions that reached more than five hundred researchers presenting more than 320 inventions this year.''

She declared that the joint committee decided to hold such exhibition at the beginning of every year. Such exhibitions represent a scientific demonstration to show the Iraqi researchers' progressive achievements in the scientific and technological fields and to have a chance in supporting them by evaluating their works and helping them to develop their works in the future.

Number of researchers during the exhibition's opening ceremony among them is Dr. Harith Hamid Belal who presented a special bed for patients who said, '' I entered the invention field since 1984 and i have produced number of inventions inside and outside Iraq.''

He also added that he was awarded by the presidency office for these inventions. He declared that his last invention was a special bed to help the patients, who couldn't move easily due to their deteriorated health status in a way that would enable them to move their bodies in all sides and places. He said that he is working on new inventions to serve the Iraqi medical and scientific march.

Dr. Su'ad Hamza Salman and asked her about her invention. She said, ''my work as a pharmacist helped me to think of inventing a new kind of medicine. Especially under this current circumstances of unjust sanctions because, as we know that the U.S. administration had deprived Iraqis of medicine and basic medical appliances through hindering the approval of contracts for purchasing food and medicine.''

She added, ''my invention is a new kind of ointment used in treating eczema and we succeeded in getting great results by using this ointment''.


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