Iraq Press


Effects of US-led Aggression on Iraqi


Iraq’s environment has been seriously affected by the U.S-led aggression. Thousands of people, mostly children and elderly, died as a result of the aggression and sanctions. Mortality rate is mounting with every passing day.

The U.S-led aggression against Iraq in 1991 caused tremendous harm to environment and infrastructure. Thousand tons of laser-guided bombs, fragmentation bombs, cruise missiles, depleted uranium-tipped weapons with a total explosive power equal to six or seven Hiroshima-nuclear blasts were used against Iraq targeting transport lines, communications, electrical grids, water purification units, sewage lines and oil refineries.

The aggressors tested depleted uranium (DU) weapons, which are internationally banned, for the first time in their aggression against Iraq, causing outbreak of new diseases, and increase of leukemia, congenital deformities and hereditary diseases. Depleted Uranium (DU) is a radioactive substance. Its particles travel on the breeze and diffuse in every direction contaminating water, food and soil. It can be inhaled and pose serious health risk.

A report by the Ministry of Health noted that laboratory tests on soil and plants confirmed that southern areas in Iraq have been seriously affected by DU used during the aggression. The report stressed that researches recorded remarkable increase in malignant diseases, deformities and ambiguous cases of abortion caused by DU exposure.

The report pointed out that there was acute shortage of monitoring devices, laboratory materials and medical equipment. Electricity grid, water treatment plants, pumping stations and underground water pipes were hit and damaged. Chlorine for purifying water is banned. Garbage and pools of water covered by insects due to lack of pumps for drainage increase contamination and caused spread of cholera, amebic dysentery, malaria, gastroenteritis, and typhoid fever.

The aggression has turned Iraq’s resources and fruits into toxic materials that may cause death or congenital abnormalities. Environment pollution is the most horrendous weapon of mass destruction that does not affect the present generation only. Its effects can well extend for generations to come.


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