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Revere’s Ocean Club looks to be a success
Units range in price from $300000 for a one-bedroom to $1250000 for a penthouse, with the majority in the $450000 - $650000 range. Source: Revere condo complex makes waves with sales - By Scott Van Voorhis, The Boston Herald
Transformers trailer dead ahead…
http://video.vividas.com/CDN1/5029_paramount/en/web/ I dunno, I’m pretty excited to see it, but this trailer is pretty subdued for what should be a big, loud action movie. It also doesn’t give any indications of the personalities
The domination is complete!
Well, as wished for by someone in the AD thread yesterday, FOX is in fact sending The War At Home off to Thursday to die, and replacing it with King of the Hill on Sundays starting Jan 28. That’s pretty much the dream lineup that people
Michael Hall is just brilliant as the title character, calmly narrating stuff that should make any sane person’s blood run cold, and even better there’s traces of Oz all over this thing, with Lauren Velez, Scott William Winters and
Animation Domination!
Whoops, almost forgot the post on this one. Simpsons was actually pretty great for once, a very refreshing change to say the least. That’s two in a row — pretty scary, actually. Homer’s bizarre feud with the Grumpus was hilarious,
Anyone watching this tonight? The premise and previews looked really interesting, and it has potential for sure, but the show itself just left me flat. Penn Gillette is really only believable as a smarmy jerk, not as a lovable gameshow
Non Wrestling Ranting: Sorry for the delays the last few weeks. I have been wrapping up my last semester at college before I start my student-teaching. This is all covered in detail in my livejournal (http://jvc113.livejournal.com/),
MASH - Final Season
The SmarK DVD Rant for MASH - The Eleventh Season “And so, and so, and so, and so, and so, and so, and so.” The Show By the end of its run, MASH had served 11 years in a war that had only lasted for 3 in real life, so you certainly
QB on The Advocate
Some Like It Scott SomeLikeItScott.com “If you love Broadway shows, A blog about a lesbian mom, her partner of 10 years, and their almost Keith Boykin KeithBoykin.com A blog about politics, television, fashion, and more.
Best of 2006?
I was doing some nominations for InsidePulse’s year-end awards, and it made me realize how tough it was to nominate stuff based on what I’ve seen this year. Most of what I nominated came down to ROH, actually, but what’s everyone else’s
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