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RSS Platform Beta 3 Changes
With the release of Beta 3, the Windows RSS Platform is now API complete. This means that, barring any serious bug that we must fix, applications written against the Beta 3 API will run unmodified against the final RTM release of the
Blog Platform Review – Myspace
Myspace is more of a social networking platform than a blog platform; while it does include options to make blog posts, the blog isn’t really front and center when someone browses your profile; it’s more of a line item, one more thing
More On A "Windows Presence Platform"
The post is a play in the Windows RSS Platform, just applying the general The Windows RSS Platform has multiple integration levels that all desktop The Windows RSS Platform itself connects to various servers to obtain the feeds.
A platform for building your business application, no matter what
Your application does not need to be a CRM application in order to benefit from Microsoft CRM platform. Your business application could be of a banking, finance, HR, real estate, health club, educational, legal or etc etc type
Microsoft's "Content syndication platform" Patent Nick Bradbury
Microsoft's "Content syndication platform" Patent — Dave Winer links to a US Patent Application filed by Microsoft in 2005 regarding the Windows RSS Platform. Here's the abstract: … Wow. I had no idea Microsoft invented all that - I
Sun and Laszlo Bring OpenLaszlo Applications to JavaTM Platform
Sun Microsystems Inc. , the creator and leading advocate of Java and Solaris(TM) technology, and Laszlo Systems, Inc., the original developer of OpenLaszlo, a leading open source rich Internet development platform, today announced a
Gamespot picks Platform Awards
Gamespot picked Final Fantasy XII as their best PS2 game this year. I think that Kingdom Hearts II was the best game. On Xbox 360, they picked Gears of War which I think is the best choice until Halo 3 comes
Microsoft's "Content syndication platform" Patent
I predict that the Microsoft bashers will be all over the story of MS's syndication patent application like white on rice. Nick Bradbury, the author of Feed Demon, has an objective view that we all should consider before any uninformed
Platform 4.5 Expands EW 2.0 For AJAX Developers Linux World
Nexaweb Technologies, Inc., provider of the leading standards-based platform for building and deploying Enterprise Web 2.0 (EW2.0) applications, has announced the availability of Nexaweb Platform 4.5. Version 4.5 builds on the success
Trend spotting: Java ME as a platform for platforms
Yet, I would have thought eg mojax was compatible across handets, as that's one of the obvious benefits and outright requirements on such a "higher abstraction" platform, but it's not. See the list of supported devices at the site below

2004 Republican Party Platform: A Safer World and a More Hopeful
Our Party’s 2004 platform addresses the major issues facing America in the This platform makes clear that the American people will have a choice on
Adobe - Flash Platform
The Flash Platform allows government agencies to be more efficient and effective by An Overview of the Macromedia Flash Platform (PDF, 1.76 MB)
Java(TM) 2 Platform, Standard Edition (Win32/Solaris/Linux)
Sun's official page for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (also known as JDK 1.2), with free downloads for Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Solaris and Linux.
PLATFORM - Unravelling the Carbon Web
PLATFORM launches new operatic soundwalk - "a soundtrack for the era of climate PLATFORM has contributed to two chapters of the forthcoming (March 2007)
Opera Platform™
Opera Platform™ enables you to integrate the phone’s local applications with Because Opera Platform™ is based on Web technologies, any Web developer can
Official Website of the Libertarian National Committee
National Platform of the Libertarian Party. Adopted in Convention, July 2, 2006, Portland Oregon. Preamble. As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty;
Constitution Party Platform
The Constitution Party’s third party conservative political platform is focused on restoring the Federal Government to the Constitution’s provisions and has
Eclipse Platform Subproject
The Eclipse Platform subproject provides the core frameworks and services upon The primary purpose of the Platform subproject is to enable other tool
Green Party of the United States | Platform
2004 Green Party Platform As ratified at the 2004 Green National Condensed versions of the 2004 GP Platform may be ordered through our online store
Running Platform : Gateway : Benvenuto
Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005 The Sakai Foundation. All rights reserved. Running Platform - 2.1.1 - Sakai 2.1.1 - Server "cesco1" platform: platform truck , platform boot , platform truck , platform boot , platform
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