Quote of the Day: Judd Apatow When I saw "Borat" at the premiere, I was sitting near Eric Idle of Monty Python, one of the greatest comedy minds of all time. I said hello before the screening. I told him I made "The 40-Year-Old Virgin," but he had not seen it. December 2006 Musical Journal Mix This will be just like previous months' Musical Journal swaps We all know of songs that, when we listen to them, remind us of a certain time in our lives. listen to your own mix as a sort of musical diary for this particular month. Digital Home: Diary So I thought I'd start a bit of a journal detailling how we're setting up our home to really take advantage of new software, hardware, and technolgies. The purchase of the 360 was a key component in this. Two butterfly species become one in the lab Two butterfly species have been bred in the lab to make a third distinct species, the journal Nature reports. ( An Updike Glitter The novel is a journal – but a remarkably fluent one, less like an ordinary journal or diary than, well, a novel by John Updike. So why (as Stephen Mitchelmore would ask) is he writing it? An explanation is offered at the moment when Ccal - curses calendar / diary / journal & todo list application. This is the homepage of Ccal, my curses-based calendar/journal/diary & todo list program. I wrote ccal because I couldn't find anything else up to the task (at least nothing console-based). Ccal should run on any flavour of unix that Tuesday Morning Grind And I Don't Mean Coffee As I might not have told you I carry with me where ever I go a handwritten diary/journal so I may jot down thoughts and things that fill my head. I would have wanted that guy to jot some notes down in my diary/journal. The Dream of Joseph Rago or Invasion of the Bloggy Snatchers Its closest analogue might be the (poorly kept) diary or commonplace book, -Joseph Rago, "The Blog Mob," The Wall Street Journal, December 20, 2006 Joseph Rago was just a young, Dartmouth-educated Wall Street Journal employee 5 Easy Ways To Get Your Creative Juices Going 1) Keep a diary or a journal with you always. Ideas can be triggered by anything you may hear, see, or smell. Your senses are your radar in finding great ideas. Write all of them into a journal and keep it with you for future reference. Sphere Journal The Perfect Gift For: The Aspiring Artist. 100 pages of pure white. $7 at Sprout Home. Read More
Personal journal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In this case, the diary or journal can be used not only as a tool to fuel nostalgia, but also as a cure for nostalgia; if one feels nostalgic for certain Amazon.com: The New Diary: Books: Tristine Rainer I've kept a journal/diary off and on for over 20 years. The biggest problem I have is that I have been stuck in the little locked book/calendar frame of Amazon.com: Kilvert's Cornish Diary: Journal No. 4, 1870: Books Amazon.com: Kilvert's Cornish Diary: Journal No. 4, 1870: Books: Francis Kilvert,Richard G. Maber,Angela Tregoning by Francis Kilvert,Richard G. Maber Mormon Literature Database - Diary / Journal Although not a mainstream genre of belletristic literature, the diary or journal is being studied more and more as literary document. Ccal - curses calendar / diary / journal & todo list application. This is the homepage of Ccal, my curses-based calendar/journal/diary & todo list program. I wrote ccal because I couldn't find anything else up to the task Journal Software - Personal journal and diary software for all Journal Software - Personal journal and diary software for all! Personal daily diary or journal software. Personal Diary - Personal diary and blog client in one. Personal Personal journal and diary software for all! Chrysanth NETime Diary is an electronic personal diary and journal software for journal and diary writing eBay Express: red crocodile diary journal - faux croc notebook ~ New eBay Express red crocodile diary journal - faux croc notebook ~ New Books Book Accessories. Journal software, diary software and more. - Quality information Alpha Journal is the journal software and diary software that suits both business and personal use. Alpha Organizer includes an Address Book, To-Do List, By My Side free cancer treatment diary journal This journal will be helpful in keeping track of your temperature, office visits, complete blood count, neutrophil level (infection-fighting white blood
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