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Blog tagging and 5 things about sourcer
First I should tell you about this blog tagging game, I was tagged by JohnTP to say 5 things that my readers don’t know about me. Here you can read more about this game here and here are the 5 things about me:
Five Things, Happy Holidays!
The nice people at We're in Debt has tagged us to tell you five things about us that you don't know. Without further ado, I'll go first: 1. I really, really like snow pants. However I do not own any
Blog Tag: 5 Things You Don't Know About Me
I've been tagged by Michael Stephens to write about "5 Things You Don't Okay, five things:. 1. I did not set out in life to be a librarian. I enjoy writing, not that you could tell from how active I've been lately on this blog!
5 things about me
I've been tagged on the "5 things you don't know about me" meme by Peter Kim, Jim Nail and Bob Baker. In the spirit of fun, here goes. I was a computer science major at Penn State University. I'ma geek from back in the day.
Ten Things to Do When You’re the Only One at Work Around the Holidays
Write a Blog: Sure, I have to do it, being that it’s my job and all, but you might like to give it a try. After all, blogging is what contributed to making you Person of the Year, according to Time, and it can give you a voice and allow
Blog Tag - 5 Things About Me
I’ve been tagged, so here’s 5 things you didn’t know about me:. 1. I was an avid collector of sports cards up until I left for college. 4. 2Million at 2 Million Blog. 5. Catch a Gideon at CatchaGideon. Ads by Yahoo
5 Things
If you get tagged, you are supposed to list 5 things about yourself and then tag 5 other people. Automattic CEO Toni Schneider tagged me, so here are the 5 things:. (1) I had a full head of hair up until my wedding day, when I stopped
Five things about me
So that is the first thing, I have no skill for this sort of blog game. I am a music lover. I studied violin, viola, piano, guitar, and voice. I sang alto in my high school chorus and from time to time in church choir.
The five-things-you-didn’t-know-about-me meme
Yaniv over at Hello World tagged me days ago regarding the “five things you don’t know It reminds me, by the way, of the four things meme, which I suspect also revealed a bunch of things people don’t know about bloggers they read.
a review for the human war and other things
there is a a review for The Human War on page 76 of the current issue of Swallows Tail. also a review for the condemned at bookslut. also publicity on this page at the KGB website

South Carolina Trial Law Blog: Things Paralegals Want to Tell
We’re starting with a doozy, things paralegals would tell their lawyers if This Blog/Web Site is made available by the lawyer or law firm publisher for
MAKE: Blog: Things made from plywood
Things made from plywood. 7695738910786Ffb620E040F.Medium Welcome to the Make Blog. You’ll find all the most up to date happenings in the Maker and
MAKE: Blog: Things that are in danger of vanishing - exhibit
Recent Posts from the Craft: Blog. New "i Craft: things" Leatherman in our MAKE Store · Holiday Gift: Make V-Stitch Scarves · Holiday Gift Tags
Blog Things « The Blog Of Dysfunction
This is what people do when they run out of things to blog on or are very very bored, 2 Responses to “Blog Things”. RSS Feed for The Blog Of Dysfunction
The Tom Kyte Blog: Things that caught my attention this week
Things that caught my attention this week. Some possible “NSFW” words in The views and opinions expressed by visitors to this blog are theirs and do not
Things That … Make You Go Hmm
For example, just <>try to find this website with a specific query like “makeyougohmm” or “things that make you go hmm blog” (26 results of mostly other
Jensen Harris: An Office User Interface Blog : Things of Beauty
One of our goals for the Office 2007 user interface was to make it easier to create beautiful output. In many circumstances, you are judged by the quality
Freakonomics Blog: Things to Do in Customer-Service Hell
Freakonomics Blog: Things to Do in Customer-Service Hell. Do No Evil – I am probably typical in that I hate making a customer-service call to just about any
Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things
John Brownlee from Wired blog Table of Malcontents says under which they posted the uncensored version of Dick in a Box, among other things.
Free Blog Things & Blog Stuff | $0 Challenge
A dummies guide to the challenge of finding blog things and blog stuff at $0 budget that improve the functionality and look of your Blog/Website. blog+things: cool things to blog , blog cfnm things , cool things to blog , blog cfnm things , blog+things
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