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Blogger hosts and publishes blogs for free. Create your own blog, or explore a new or notable blog. Also offers image hosting, blog updates from your mobile phone, and making blog posts from Microsoft Word
Kevin Sites Blog
Archive of Kevin Sites's pre-Hot Zone blog, offering first-person account and photos of life on the front lines of war, including the Battle for Fallujah
CNET News.com -- Technology news and business reports
Daily technology news from CNET, including enterprise, e-business, communications, media, science, and personal technology stories
GOP.com | Republican National Committee :: Home
Includes information and news about President George Bush, the Bush Administration, and the Republican Party
Wired News:
Covering business, technology, culture, and politics of the digital world
Check out this site if you are into bootleg recordings of concerts. going on; if you have any ideas, please leave a comment on her blog, not here.
Windows Live Spaces
Allows users to create and manage their blogs from their computer or mobile phones
The Blog Site - Main
Blog Site is a free online resource for bloggers, blog owners, and blog In In The News on December 17, 2003 by The Blog Site
Andrew Sullivan | The Daily Dish
Independent journalist Andrew Sullivan provides a daily dish on politics, and links to some of his more controversial pieces
William Gibson
Official blog of sci-fi novelist William Gibson, with postings throughout the weekblog+site: blog+site
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