L' a r t e   d e l   m o s a i c o


 F r a n c e s c o    R o s s i

telphone number: 075/875316
e-mail: freakred@tiscali.it 


The mosaic's art of Francesco Rossi was born in Rotecastello, a small center of medioeval origins situated near San Venanzo(TR). The innate passion for the art and in particolar way for the mosaics, finds its realization in 1995 to the age of 15 years, when from pieces of a simple table in marble was born a picture representing a tower. From that time the deepened study of the working techniques of ancient mosaic's art has carried to a continuous improvement of the manufacture articles, unic in their kind because they are made in a completely handicraft way, caracterized from the thing that the members of pictures are cut by nippers devised and constructed from the same artist. The working technique comes moreover accompanied from singular ideas moved from a creative genius totally particular that fuses elements of old furnishings with some of the modern art.





A special thank to all that have given me the possibility to expose my works:

comunal amministration of San Venanzo;
Terni's province;
Don Ruggero Iorio for the appreciation and for the encouragement;
the "Amici di Rotecastello" association;
my family, to have ever leaned me;
all my big friends, in paricular way at my big friend Luca for his availability;
all people that believe in me;

T H A N K S !