Cambiamenti vecchio e nuovo testo Velocità ICF


Durante l’ultimo congresso dell’I.C.F. sono stati proposti alcuni cambiamenti ai codici di gara delle singole discipline. Per la Velocità, o Sprint secondo la nuova dizione, ci sono state le seguenti variazioni.



7.3 Identifications and Advertising Trademarks

7.3.1 Trademarks and Advertising on boats, accessories and  clothing may carry trademarks, advertising symbols and written text. Requirements for advertising on equipment   and     clothing         for     ICF     Canoe Sprint Competitions (excluding Olympic Games, see Chapter IV) are detailed in the ICF Guidelines for Advertising Trademark Identification on Equipment Manual

7.3.2. There are reserved places on equipment (Eg. Boat and paddle) with size limitations for trademarks  and advertising. These areas are dedicated for the identification of Athletes/NF, Manufacturer, Organiser and ICF (including sponsors).

7.3.3. Athlete’s name must be placed on each side of the boat under the cockpit.

7.3.4. The Athletes should wear the appropriate official clothing with easy identification of the nation  they represent.

7.3.5. The Advertising of tobacco smoking and strong spirit drinks is not permitted.

7.3.6. Images, symbols, slogans unrelated to sport funding or political messages are not permitted.


In questo articolo si specifica i limiti, la posizione ed i contenuti di marchi di fabbrica, pubblicità ed immagini. Si specifica anche che gli atleti devono indossare indumenti che li identifichino con la nazione che rappresentano.



The boat must be constructed so that it remains buoyant when filled with water. No part of the athlete's body should be attached to the boat in anyway. Such attachments must be removed.

Si ricorda che la barca deve galleggiare se riempita d’acqua e si specifica che nessuna parte dell’atleta deve essere in contatto con la barca. Eventuali punti di contatto saranno rimossi.



10.4.7 The Aligner is to bring the boats to the starting line with least possible delay. Their duties will be to check the uniformity of the competitors including their attire as well the number on the back and the boat numbers. English shall be the language used.

Sono specificati i compiti dell’allineatore con riguardo al controllo dell’uniformità dell’equipaggio, del numero personale e del numero di corsia.


Art. 18 - COURSES

18.10.d) The start position numbering will be opposite from the finish tower and/or opposite TV broadcast cameras.

Si specifica che la numerazione delle corsie è opposta alla torre d’arrivo e/o alla posizione delle telecamere




When a boat is overtaking another boat , it is the duty of the overtaking craft to keep clear of other competitors at all times.

When a boat is racing in a group of competitors it is the duty of all the competitors in the group to keep clear of other competitors at all time. This rule applies to any manoeuvring within the group.


Any competitor who is considered by a course umpire of race official to have been responsible for a collision, or who damages the boat or paddle of another competitor or unnecessarily deviates from their course may be disqualified.

LAPPED BOATS Lapped boats are disqualified and they should leave the course immediately.

25.7 Relay distance is 200 m. Relay will be raced with single boats only and no mixed crews. Events will be K1Men, K1 Women and C1 Men x 4 lengths. No protests are allowed during heats. Start and finish are located at the finish line. A starting system must be used at both start lines. Recommendation is to use 7 lanes. There will be heats and final only. Advancement system will be:

2 heats – 1st 3 plus next best fastest time

3 heats - 1st 2 plus next best fastest time

4 heats - 1st 1 plus next 3 best fastest times


In questo articolo sono presi in esame i sorpassi e le collisioni. Si specifica che i doppiati sono squalificati e devono lasciare la corsa, e si specifica chi partecipa alle staffette, e come si svolgono le stesse.



33.3 Entries for all events shall be limited to one per nation

Questo articolo riguarda I Campionati del Mondo e specifica il limite d’iscrizione ( 1 barca per nazione)


Cambiamenti vecchio e nuovo testo Maratona ICF



9.1 International competitions shall be held under the supervision of the following officials:

Chief Official, Safety Officer, Chief Course Umpire, Competition Manager, Competition Secretary, Starter(s), Aligner, Course Umpires, Finish Line Judge(s), Timekeepers(s), Boat Scrutineer, Raft Marshall, Announcer, Sport Presentation Officer.

Rispetto alla vecchia edizione sono stati aggiunti il Chief Course Umpire, il Competition Manager e lo Sport Presentation Officer



9.2 …. The top management of the Competition shall be held in the hands of the Competition Committee which shall consist of:

Chief official, Safety Officer, Chief Course Umpire

Si specifica chi prende le decisioni riguardanti la gara



10.2 The Competition Manager is responsible for the preparation and running of the competition

Viene identificato il responsabile della competizione


10.9 The Boat Scrutineer

Prior to World Championships, World Cups, World Games, and Continental Championships the event organiser shall provide a weighing machine in a suitable place so that team may check the weight of their boats. It is the responsibility of the Teams to either use this facility or not as they wish. After the race the Scrutineer will check the dimensions, equipment and weight of the boats to ensure they comply with the ICF Marathon Rules. Should any not comply then they shall be referred to the Competition Committee for disqualification

Il peso imbarcazioni, al termine delle gare, viene fatto dallo Scrutineer. In caso di irregolarità l’equipaggio viene squalificato. Il controllo prima dell’inizio delle gare è a discrezione di ogni team.


10.10 The Raft Marshall

a) Confirms that the boat and equipment and clothing of the competitor/s complies with the requirements of the competitions regulations and confirmes at the team leaders meeting.

b) When satisfied dispatches the boats to the starting place as set down in the competition regulations and confirmed by the team leaders meeting

Anche l’abbigliamento degli atleti deve rispondere ai requisiti richiesti dalla gara, requisiti che vengono confermati alla riunione dei capi squadra.


10.11 The Sport Presentation Officer shall be responsible for arranging the following when appropriates; a) Commentary, b) Sound facilities, c) TV and livestream, d) Web service, e) Public announcement of results in co-ordination with the results team, f) Spectators facilities, g) Marketing of the event, h) Media facilities

Lo Sport Presentation Officer è identificabile come la nostra Segreteria Gare.



13.1.1. In addition to nominated crews , participating Federations are allowed to enter unlimited number of substitutes in every race.

Il numero delle riserve iscritte ad una gara è illimitato.


13.2 All entries should be in writing (letter, fax , email, etc.) Where verbal communication is used, it must also be confirmed in writing by the given deadline (midnight on the due date). In the eventuality of conflicting information , the information with letterhead and/or signature will take precedence.

Le iscrizioni possono essere anche verbali ma devono essere confermate per iscritto. In caso di discrepanza vale la comunicazione scritta.


f) Team leader

The team leader will represent the team and is the main contact with the Chief Official and the organizers throughout the competition.

Si specifica chi è il Team leader ed il suo ruolo.



For the marking signs of the course at turns and other direction changes red or yellow buoys must be used. Red buoys must be passed with the buoys on the left side of the boat. Yellow buoys on the right side of the boat

Novità! Si possono usare boe rosse da prendere alla sinistra della barca, o gialle, da prendere alla destra, per segnalare cambi di direzione.



For international events other than World Championships, World Cups, World Games and Continental

Championships there should be available for each team leader, printed or written instructions at least 5 hours before the beginning of the competition, containing the following information:

a) Detailed information on the course and their markings

b) Starting time(s) and procedures

c) Starting line

d) Finishing line

e) Preliminary start list

f) Obligatory safety equipment requirements.

For World Championships, World Cups, World Games and Continental Championships final information shall define all the items a) to f) above, be sent to all entered National Federations and be available on the event website at least 7 days before the event

Quando e di cosa e deve essere informato il Team Leader



Course marking including turning points shall be passed according to the course description confirmed at the Team Leaders Meeting.

Le istruzioni circa le segnalazioni sul campo di gara, compreso il senso delle virate, viene confermato durante il Team Leader Meeting.



This rule also applies to any manoeuvring within the group and is applicable for all parts of the course including portage and turns.

Le regole circa i sorpassi si applicano a tutte le fase della gara.



a) Any Competitor who attempts to compete in a race by any other than honourable means, or who breaks the racing regulations, or who disregards the honourable nature of the racing regulations will be penalized or disqualified for the duration of the race concerned.

b) Failing to follow the correct course

Should a competitor have failed to follow the correct course of the race (for example missed a turning buoy) the competitor has broken the racing regulation and will be subject to a penalty. If the race umpire believes the competitor has gained a small advantage: Time penalty of 15 seconds will be given.

If the competitor has gained a major advantage: Disqualification will be imposed.

Should a buoy be missed as a result of a collision in group racing during a turn this will be investigated and the boat that caused the collision will be disqualified, see below; Collision or damage. The competitor who missed the buoy due to this will not be penalized.

c) Collision or damage

Any competitor who is considered by a course umpire or race official to have been responsible for a

collision, or who damages the canoe or kayak or paddle of another competitor or unnecessarily deviates from their course may be subject to a penalty. (This is the old art. 25)

If it is considered that other paddlers have only had some minor disadvantage as a result of the incident the responsible competitor will get a time penalty of 30 seconds.

If it is considered that the incident has given other paddlers a major unfair disadvantage the penalty will be disqualification.

d) Boat scrutineering infringement

Should a competitor have completed a race in a kayak or canoe which is shown, upon inspection, not to fulfil the ICF classifications, he or she shall be disqualified from the race in question.

e) Accompanying infringement

It is forbidden, during a race, to be accompanied by other boats along the course. Such acts shall entail the disqualification of the competitor/s concerned.

f) Wash hanging

Wash hanging on a competitor in another class in racing at World and Continental competitions is a

violation of the racing rules and will be subject to a penalty.

If a competitor is observed to be wash hanging the competitor will receive a first warning and a time

penalty of 30 seconds.

If the competitor receives a second warning or has gained major advantage then they will be disqualified from the race.

g) Handling of penalties

Time penalties are decided by the Chief Course Umpire and are not subject to appeal.

Time penalties shall be executed in a designated area at the portage and supervised by a race official or will be added to the competitors finishing time if a time penalty stop is not used in the competition.

Disqualifications are decided by the Competition Committee and are subject to appeal.

h) All penalties or disqualifications by the Competition Committee must be confirmed in writing

immediately, giving the reasons. The team leader of the competitor must acknowledge receipt on a copy of the notice of disqualifications, with the exact time, which marks the start of the protest time.

Novità! Con questo articolo vengono introdotte le penalità, in caso di piccolo vantaggio. Se il concorrente acquisisce dalla manovra un deciso vantaggio, viene squalificato. Si analizza anche se, in caso di collisione, un atleta subisce o meno la stessa. In caso di scia viene dato prima un’avvertimento e una penalità di 30 secondi. In caso di secondo avvertimento, c’è la squalifica. Le penalità sono decise dal Chief Course Umpire e non sono appellabili e devono essere scontate al trasbordo.



30.2.1 A later protest shall be referred to the ICF Canoe Marathon Committee accompanied by the prescribed fee.

A protest made during a competition relating to an incident in the race must be in written form, be addressed to the Competition Committee and handed to the Chief Official not later than 30 minutes after the last of the competitors involved in the incident have

a. completed the course, or

b. is forced to retire.

E’ stato cambiato il tempo limite nel quale fare reclamo


30.4 All protests shall be made in writing and be accompanied by a fee of 50 Euros (or an equal sum in the local currency) the fee will be refunded if the protest is upheld.

Should an incident by witnessed by race officials and action is being considered there should be a public announcement as soon as possible to notify teams and spectators of this.

The decision of the Competition Committee on a Protest or reported incident should be reported to the Team Leaders concerned within 30 minutes of the protest being received or the incident being reported.

E’ stata cambiata la tassa di reclamo e altra NOVITA’. Se l’arbitro segnala un incidente e quanto segnalato viene preso in considerazione, è necessario avvisare le squadre interessate. La decisione viene presa dal Competition Committee è deve essere segnalato al Team Leader entro 30 minuti dalla segnalazione.