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Memory Configurations: Portable, PowerBook, iBook Memory Configurations: Portable, PowerBook, iBook The 4 MB configuration shipped from Apple has a 2 MB RAM expansion card installed. Apple - Support - PowerBook The PowerBook Support Page helps with troubleshooting, tutorials, service issues If you're having trouble or need information, try these Apple articles. Apple - Support - iBook G4 and PowerBook G4 Battery Exchange To order your replacement battery, visit You will be asked for the serial number of your iBook or PowerBook G4, PowerBook reviews and iBook reviews - current Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, iPod, iBook, iMac, eMac, and PowerBook are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Additional company and product The Gadgeteer - Madsonline Lucille Apple Powerbook/iBook AC Adapter Apple G4 Powerbook or iBook. Product supplied by Madsonline Re: Madsonline Lucille Apple Powerbook/iBook AC Adapter Review Comments
PowerBook reviews and iBook reviews - current Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, iPod, iBook, iMac, eMac, and PowerBook are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Additional company and product The Gadgeteer - Madsonline Lucille Apple Powerbook/iBook AC Adapter Apple G4 Powerbook or iBook. Product supplied by Madsonline Re: Madsonline Lucille Apple Powerbook/iBook AC Adapter Review Comments » Blog Archive » Apple iBook or Powerbook? Apple iBook or Powerbook? I’m very seriously looking at getting a new laptop and will likely go for a nice, compact, and ever-so-sleek Apple. Macitynet USATO Apple PowerBook | MacBook Pro, powerbook o ibook, 15.02.2006, acer aspire 1502LMI, 15 pollici, WI-FI 54g, IRDA, Firewire,. Apple PowerBook | MacBook Pro eBay Italia - Offerte apple, apple Informatica e Palmari, apple Compra apple, apple Informatica e Palmari, apple ibook su eBay Italia. Trova inoltre una grande offerta di apple powerbook e mac. Installing Debian 3.0 onto an Apple iBook Installing Debian 3.0 onto an Apple iBook without using any physical media! I also have reports from PowerBook G4 (a.k.a. "Titanium PowerBook", Macworld: News: Apple recalls Sony-made PowerBook, iBook batteries Apple has recalled 1.1 million iBook and PowerBook batteries made by Sony in the US, along with another 700000 that shipped overseas. M8206LL/A, KTA-PB133/256, KTA-PBG4/256, 256MB Apple PowerBook Memory Ten supports all: M8206LL/A, KTA-PB133/256, KTA-PBG4/256, 256MB Apple PowerBook/iBook PC133 SDRAM SODIMM and ships same day.