Circuit City chases service with new Firedog brand ZDNet The company's answer to Best Buy's Geek Squad, Firedog helps with everything from mounting a TV to setting up a home computer. Facebook's Changing Fortunes BusinessWeek The social-networking site could have sold for upwards of $1 billion, but declining traffic numbers may have potential buyers waiting for a discount CURRENT ISSUE'S SPECIALS Austin Chronicle Discount Electronics 1011 W. Anderson Ln. computer specials ( pg. 2 ) See ad for special deals on computers Tower Records topples as digital music delivery ascends I had a dream. I wanted to work at a record store. Not some funky indie outpost but a giant retail behemoth where I could a) be in a room with more or less every album in the world, b) get a discount, and c) tell people what they should listen to. Replying to spam e-mail just creates more of it Pioneer Press TECH HELP Q. What can be done to stop unsolicited e-mails about stock tips and discount drugs that have no remove instructions? Or those that, when I reply to them, their e-mail address is not recognized? Facebook's Changing Fortunes BusinessWeek Online via Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance The social-networking site could have sold for at least $800 million, but declining traffic numbers may have potential buyers waiting for a discount Circuit City chases service with new Firedog brand Reuters via Yahoo! News On the second floor of Circuit City's store in New York's Union Square, near the laptop computers and accessories, is a counter devoted to the retailer's new hope for its services business: Firedog. Blogging for Dollars Some Make Enough Money Off Sites to Quit Day Job RedNova By BARBARA CORREA\ Staff Writer For most bloggers, spending hours on end in front of computer monitors is a hobby -- a kind of high-tech throwback to the days when dads tinkered in the garage to pass a slow weekend. Local Outsourcing of Technology Services PC Magazine via Yahoo! News What are managed services? How do you know if you need them? We have the answers. Low inflation rate? Some consumers beg to differ USA Today Ask most economists about inflation, and they'll tell you it's low. Ask the average consumer, and you might get a very different answer. Sean Taylor, 34, an information technology consultant in Trenton, N.J., ticks off the changes in his bills in the past nine years: property taxes, now $9,000 a year, up 105%; heating oil, $238, up 109%. Homepage Large retailer of computers, components, software, and electronics. CDC Spa - Attivita: CDC SpA Attività/Computer Discount. Attenzione: Il tuo browser non supporta gli IFrame. Contatti. › Attività. Computer Discount · Compy Superstore CDC Spa CDC - English Version · b2b/computer discount/compy/amico/cdcbusiness/interfree/dexgate Contatti. › Attività. Computer Discount · Compy Superstore LAVORA CON NOI COMPUTER DISCOUNT-AMMINISTRATORE. La posizione prevede la responsabilità economica, commerciale e gestionale del punto di vendita, la formazione e la Catene di Franchising Informatica: Computer Discount, Vobis Osservatorio Lavoro: Ecco le proposte di Computer Discount, Vobis, Computer Union e Prometheo. Per ciascuna catena di informatica vengono indicati i link
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