Divine Appeal 174
"I need them to know that I am their Brother and
Eternal Priest. Divine Appeal
"The Angels in heaven are astonished at My great
Love which makes Me abide on earth with mankind under the
appearance of Bread."
Divine Appeal 176
"I need souls to face their true fatherland"
Divine Appeal 177
"I came to cast fire on this earth…. Perdition
of mankind arises in the first place from himself….
The devil knows that his time is very short."
Divine Appeal 178
"I am consumed with the desire to forgive…..
What a pain that My Blood is in vain….."
Divine Appeal 179
"Mankind lives in the obstinancy of sin."
Divine Appeal 180
"Day and night I have abundant blessings in My
Tabernacle, ready to give to anyone. No one comes,
instead they spit and step on Me."
Divine Appeal 181
"Listen, My daughter, to My cry….. many souls
are attacking Me in these dark hours….."
Divine Appeal 182
"Never before has the world needed prayers like at
the present time."
Divine Appeal 183
"Everyone must pray. Never before has the world
needed prayer like at this present time."
Divine Appeal 184
"Contemplate My Love from My Divine Mercy in the
sacrament of My Love, behold what I represent….."
Divine Appeal 185
"If souls listen to Me and respond to My Call of
Mercy then it will be their salvation and peace…..
pray more and more and love one another….. help
souls to return to Me."
Divine Appeal 186
‘Learn to do good, let it not be enough for you to
pray only….. I want you to improve in virtue and
Divine Appeal 187
"Meditate on how painful I underwent the salvation
of mankind….. degree of My sweat….. drops of
blood trickling down My Face. I want mankind to know the
seriousness of this….. to understand the inexorable
justice of the Eternal Father….. My Church will not
flourish again if those who are responsible for it do not
return to love and humility."
Divine Appeal 188
"My love cannot be overcome by any obstacle."
"I love mankind so much."
Divine Appeal 189
"I give My Merciful warnings Myself and through My
Most Holy Mother."
Divine Appeal 190
"For the few who care for Me, I bless and lead them
always in the state of Grace."
Divine Appeal 191
"A soul can only be defended when it is on the way
to perdition"
Divine Appeal 192
"Ministers should remain immured from contagion and
fight to win souls for eternity."