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"I am like the hunter, who would let himself be wounded to death in order to lure his coveted prey."
"My daughter, pray a great deal. Keep going. Do not stop. I kept going on the road to Calvary and inspite of such agony. I got there. Gaze on Me and find courage. My love knows no seasons. I am the changeless one. Give Me even the rhythm of your breathing and note only of the body but of your stream of your thoughts. I always accompany my faithful ones and give strength and comfort to those who suffer for Me. You are in My Heart though you feel you are far from Me. Hide Me in your heart as though in this way you could save Me from wounds, insults, blasphemies and abuses. For I receive them above all in My Divine Sacrament from….. to whom I entrusted my children."

"There is your heart to console Me with your sufferings. Do not get the idea that it is only prayers that console Me. Rest on Me. Do not grow weary of looking at Me. Do not waste any of your precious suffering. Bring Me souls. I suffer and thirst for souls."

"I am like the hunter, who would let himself be wounded to death in order to lure his coveted prey….. I tell him to go with My living words continually and find sinners for Me."

"Never before has the world needed prayers as at this tragic times. My Heart is full of tears to see many innocent souls on the way to perdition. My Eternal Father’s anger is flowing. Pray and atone to appease His wrath and console Me. Drenched with blood, I am walking through the multitudes of souls. My Mercy is followed by Divine Justice."

"Pray and cloister souls in your heart. Implore mercy for them. Do not fear to suffer. Rest in Me."

"I give My blessing."


1st Match, 1988


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