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"…..let the callous and indifferent know that I am thirsting for them….. I am the source from which water flows….. in abundance."
   "My daughter, pray and spend these dark hours with Me."

   "Help Me by praying and loving. I am thirsting for souls. Bring Me souls. Speak in your own words as they come into your mind."

   "Give Me your company – I am so lonely in the empty churches. It is My great love for mankind that keeps Me day and night in the tabernacles. I am in agony over souls. Pray a great deal and do not lose a single minute. Time is short for saving souls. Take My pains to help them in your prayers."

   "Never shall I weary of repentant sinners. In the Sacrament of My love, greater is the welcome. This is why I wish all to know that."

   "I speak to My….. I want him to let the callous and indifferent know that I am thirsting for them. I want to forgive. What pains for Me is to see the world buried in sensuality! No longer is its sweetness known."

   "Pray a great deal and atone; bring Me souls. Offer yourself in union with Me. In the Sacrament of My Love offer Me at each moment to My Eternal Father for the purpose of saving souls. I am waiting for souls as I remain a prisoner in the tabernacle. I am the source from which water flows inexhaustibly, in abundance. In your prayers bring souls. I wish them to know that life eternal is at hand if they would accept it."

   "Here is My mercy. Time is short. I am very near to souls but they reject Me and prefer their own ways. These are grave moments."

   "What grieves Me most is… Many doubt Me even though they have given Me their lives but their hearts remain closed. I call them all back to My sheepfold."

   "My desire is that souls be saved. As I am exposed, I will pour My infinite Mercy in the human souls. These are grave moments. Pray without ceasing. Never before has the world needed prayers than at this present time. The Chalice is filled. These times demand accelerated action. My pain is immense. I speak to you amid tears. With love I am calling and I would not like anyone to perish."

   "Pray and cloister souls in your heart."

   "I give My blessings."


2.00 a.m., 15th February, 1988


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