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"My great pain is to receive abuse and condemnation from My own..... who have decided to labour hard in order to abolish the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass."
   "My daughter, spend these hours with Me. These are My difficult hours of darkness. I desire you to make reparation for the pains I receive in the Sacrament of My Love. Implore Mercy for sinners. It is satan's hour. Abandon yourself I My Heart and do what I ask of you."

   "My great pain is to receive abuse and condemnation from..... who have decided to labour hard in order to abolish the Holy Sacrifice of Mass. I am so ridiculed in the Sacrament of My Love. In the Holy hour, I ask them to meditate on this pain I receive that nights according to My desire."

   "I speak to you amid tears because mankind led by..... are on the way to perdition. I suffered all the pain for mankind. What more could I have suffered? Pray a great deal. Do not lose any of these precious times. Cloister mankind in your heart. Do not leave me alone. I need your company. I want your complete obedience. This is what I want of you."

   "I bless you."


2.15 a.m., 3rd January, 1988


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