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"There is too much hatred in today’s society. There are too many enemies…… What a great desolation. Children who rebel against their parents, innocent souls who are killed, divorce, communists and all sinners!"
"My daughter, I am the Lord of Revelation. Listen to Me. Unite yourself to My suffering Heart. Pray for the atonement and detain the anger of My Eternal father. The world advances towards the precipice from one day to the next. Reflect upon what is happening in…… and in all humanity.

There is too much hatred, there are too many enemies of My Eternal Father. The freemasons and all the other devil worshippers want to obliterate fraternal love in the world, substituting it with division and blood ones. I tell you, My daughter, make My Word echo throughout the whole world. I am calling everyone to do penance and pray. Do not be afraid. The cross borne with love, My daughter will give you the way to Paradise. Pray and do penance to save humanity and you will obtain My Eternal Father’s predilection. I also assure you of this too. Pray. My Eternal Father and I will crush the infernal dragon’s head. If only mankind would return to My Heart of love and mercy!"

"On the contrary, flames will be cast down from heaven which will destroy all sinners and the work of the evil one: abysses, mountains and flaming lava will swallow up entire villages. Earthquakes, floods, electrocutions, tempestuous seas, suicides, drugs and illnesses of all kinds."

"What a great desolation – children who rebel against their parents, innocent souls who are killed, divorce, communists and all sinners. (25) A Just rigour weights down on them."

"I bless you."

3.00 a.m., 22nd November, 1987


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