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"My daughter, pray and atone. I give you strength to pray always. I am pierced by many swords, but I will forgive all those who will come repentant. Do not worry about what to do. Follow what I tell you. Prepare yourself. M Blood flows and wants to cover this corrupt world. I warn this world, full of horrors, for which a tremendous punishment is prepared. The thin line that separates it from the precipice will break; there will be no other way to salvation(16) because there are many who do not want to hear My Call."

The souls I love too much do not understand that the tyrant has stolen their hearts, locking them up in the prison of scandal and all kinds of malicious corruption. Both hatred and emptiness have fettered them to evil. They do not think that they cause Me so much pain. My Gaze does not penetrate them. They do not want to humble themselves again and repent. It is a great pain for Me to see many of My consecrated ones abusing Me anyhow. If they want to be saved, they have to accept the forgiveness from the Blood which I shed for them. I want to release them from their sins. I will shelter them with My Mantle of Mercy if only they repent."

"If they continue to live in corruption, there will be no mercy, but rather tears, mourning, earthquakes, floods and sickness of all kinds. These poor people are blind and deaf to My call of love. The air is contaminated and everything is full of sin. Men’s hands are armed, and a great punishment will befall them. I love them; this is why I warn them before it is too late for them to repent. They should pray more."

"I bless you."


24th October, 1987


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